Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Zelensky, here's your ceasefire judo move

I keep offering 'judo moves' for those we depend-upon to save civilization. 

One such move might have let Joe Biden demolish the entire Kremlin kompromat ring in DC. (Three Republican Congressional reps have attested that their GOP colleagues hold "orgies" and one of them made the blackmail charge explicit.) Alas, that idea - along with every other agile tactic in Polemical Judo - was never taken up.

Okay, let's try another one. An impudent proposal - or else a potential magic move for the Faramir of the West, desperately holding the line against the modern Mordor. 

I refer to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, who faces an excruciating dilemma because the the U.S. election.

Whether or not you go along with my longtime assertion of Kremlin-strings puppetting Donald Trump - (and recent polls show that a majority of Americans now see those strings) - the goal of Trumpian 'diplomacy' has clearly been to save Vlad Putin's hash, as his refineries burn, as his bedraggled soldiery mutinously grumbles and as Europe burgeons its formerly-flacid military might to formidability, in response to Muscovite aggression. 

Almost every aspect of the current, proposed 'ceasefire' would benefit Putin and disadvantage Ukraine. But Zelensky cannot be seen 'obstructing' a truce, or Ukraine will suffer in the arena of world opinion - and some of his own suffering populace. Hence my modest proposal.

To be clear... if Zelensky were to present this concept to the world, there is no way on Earth that Putin or Trump would accept it! 

And yet, it will appear so clearly and inherently reasonable that those two would have a hard time justifying their rejection.

== A Modest Proposal ==

President Zelensky, just say this:

"Our land, our cities and towns, our forests and fields have been blasted, poisoned, and strewn with millions of landmines, while our brave men and women suffer every day resisting the aggressors, both on the front lines and on the home front. Meanwhile, every day and everywhere, our skills and our power-to-resist grow. 

"The aggressor has no long term plan. Even should he occupy all of our country, the heat of our rage and resistance would make Kabul in 1980 pale, by comparison. Occupied, but never-subjugated, Ukrainians will turn the next hundred years into hell for the invaders. 

"Then why does this outrageous crime continue? Because the despotic Kremlin regime controls all media and news sources available to 135 million Russians, who have no way to know the following:

-- That there was no "Nazi" movement in Ukraine. Except for a few dozen gangster idiots sporting swastikas for shock value. (There are far more such fools in both the USA and in the reborn USSR!) Otherwise, there was never any evidence for anything like it.

-- There was no ' invader army building in Ukraine' before either the full scale Russian invasion of 2022 or the 'green man' putsches of 2014. That was pure fantasy and we can prove it.

-- There was no irresistable momentum for Ukrainian NATO membership before 2022. Up to then, NATO itself had been atrophying for years and Ukraine might have been kept out of the alliance through diplomacy. Now? NATO is growing and gets stronger in potency every day. And Ukraine's alliance with the rest of Europe is now absolutely guaranteed, thanks to Mr. Putin.

-- We were always willing to negotiate assurance and provisions for the comfort and security and prosperity of Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine, especially in the Donbas. That offer still stands. And hence we ask them, are you truly better off now, dear friends?

I could go on and on. But doing so just leaves this as another case of "he-said, she said." And we are done exchanging heated assertions.

It is time to check out which side is lying!


Before any ceasefire takes effect, we call for a Grand Commission to investigate the truth. 

Instead of world elites or politicians, we propose that this commission consist mostly of:

-- 100 Russian citizens...

-- 100 Ukrainian citizens living in unoccupied territories...

-- 100 citizens from a random pool of other nations.

Members of this Grand Commission will be free to go anywhere they wish, in both Ukraine and Russia, wielding cameras and asking questions and demanding answers. Let them video the trashed and ruined towns and farms and forests everywhere that Russian armed forces claim to have 'liberated.'

And yes, the commissioners will be welcome to sift for evidence of pervasive "naziism" in our country... so long as they are also free to document Vlad Putin's oligarchy and their relentlessly violent drive to rebuild the Orwellian Soviet empire.

== How would it work? A FAQ ==

Why such a large group? 

A large and diverse commission helps to ensure maximum coverage and to minimize coercion by their home governments. Among so many commissioners, some will certainly ask pointed questions! And they will return home in numbers that cannot be kept squelched or repressed.

How to ensure the members aren't just factotums of either regime?  

They will be selected randomly from the paper pages of old telephone directories! Sure, that might be clumsy. But those paper volumes cannot be meddled with, especially old phone books currently archived in - say - Switzerland. For all its faults, this method ensures that the selection process will pick many citizens who are not beholden to the masters in the capital.

Won't the governments of Russia or Ukraine be tempted to coerce commissioners anyway?  

Yes, and that  is why they will be invited to bring along their immediate families! Arrangements will be made for spouses and children to stay at nice resorts along the Black Sea, while the commissioners do their work. And incidentally, those families will talk to each other, too. We welcome that. Do you?

Won't some of the commissioners defect - during their tours of Ukraine or Russia, refusing to go home?  

Of course some will! We are not afraid of that. Are YOU afraid of that, Mr. Putin?

Won't such a huge endeavor be expensive?  

Sure it will be. So? Russia and America brag about how rich they are. And so do the host nations of recent 'peace conferences,' who could easily pony up the expenses, for the sake of ending a dangerous and destabilizing war.

Why not ask the world's billionnaire caste to foot the bill? For the sake of actual communications and genuine peace and prosperity? 

There are many of the uber-rich who talk a good game. This would be their chance to prove that they believe in the future, after all.  

Won't there be dangers? 

Sure they will be, especially wherever resumed fighting breaks out near the inspectors, during or after a ceasefire. The commissioners should possess some grit and courage and world civic-mindedness. Why? Is that a problem? Compared to the possible good outcomes from such heroism? From the most-genuine kind of patriotism?

Do you honestly expect Vladimir Putin to agree to this? 

Why wouldn't he? If this will let him convince skeptics around the world and in Ukraine that all of his justifications for this slaughter and ruination of a beautiful country are valid and true? 

Of course that was a bitter jest. Because there is no way that Mr. Putin or his supporters would agree to such a Grand Commission, digging deeply into things that are called Facts and Truth. 

Then why did you make the proposal, if you don't think it will be accepted? 

Because nothing better demonstrates the most basic difference between the two sides of this conflict. 

One side slavishly follows a murderous liar, because of the hypnotic power of his lies. Lies that would be so-easily disproved, if the tyrant agreed to allow light to flow to his people.

The other side is a nation of people who love Russian poetry... but we are not and never have been Russian. People who know intimately well Russia's cruelly-depressing history, and who want no further part of it.

We all had friends across the former USSR... but Ukraine is not and never has been Russia. 

And we can prove it, as we daily prove our utter determination never again to suffer under Moscow's boot heel.

Are we outnumbered? Certainly. But we have special regiments on our side. 

Honor. Decency. Resolve. Democracy. The friendship of all free peoples around the World. And science, too.

But above all -- the Truth.


Tony Fisk said...

An audacious variant on the wager gambit. Needs to have a lot more focus of intention and outcome than presented here. Still, that's details, and Zelensky* has shown himself open to judo moves in the past...

Anyone who doesn't think a statesperson of seven decades of experience *didn't* know who voiced Paddington for the Ukrainian release is naive.

* What is with the recent trend of referring to him as 'Zelenskyy'? Is it the Ukrainian form?

Unknown said...

"The last name of Ukraine’s president is correctly spelled: Зеленський.

The reason behind the multiple spellings is that the Ukrainian language doesn’t use the same alphabet as English, so any rendering of Ukrainian names into the English language is a transliteration, which means we’re taking the Ukrainian spelling Зеленський and fashioning it into an English-like spelling that approximates how it is said aloud."


J-Puff said...

I love that you still believe this would work.

In our world, US and Russian state news sources would either ignore it or describe this as further proof of Zelensky's corruption (how? stop asking questions). Trump cultists, if they noticed it at all, would at best call it "faggy". Some obscure non-crazy foreign policy podcasts would mention it positively for a moment then move on to the next fire, while the democratic party would ignore it, "keeping their powder dry" for their increasingly mystical ragnarok.

I wish we'd taken the alternative path where it could have mattered, but we aren't in a world where these sorts of mild rhetorical judo moves work or are even neutral.

locumranch said...

In the last thread, I offered the following propositional logic in order to explain FBI Table 43 to those who have lost the capacity for rational thought:

(1) If A approximates B; and
(2) If B approximates C.
(3) Then, A approximates C.
wherein A = Poverty, B = Turpitude and C = Race plus Political Affiliation.

In this thread however, our fine host offers up an irrational incantation, self-described as a "magic move", in lieu of any sort of logical argument, taking the form of a truth followed by multiple falsehoods:

(1) Our land, our cities and towns... blasted... while our brave men and women suffer, the initial truth;

(2) our skills and our power-to-resist grow, a falsehood that (if true) would eliminate any need for Ukrainian forces to plead for peace; and

(3) Up to (2022), NATO itself had been atrophying for years, a massive lie, as NATO started out as 12 nation alliance during the Cold War, only to expand to 30 nations very recently, all while creeping ever closer to its designated adversary Russia.

About 3 days ago, Jon Stewart of TDS described this approach as empty content-free messaging.


With the above info, it takes a special type of magical thinker to assume that it is Russia (rather than Ukraine) which is on the verge of collapse.

Randall Kohn said...


scidata said...

Polemical judo is hard work (especially for a layman like me) and of questionable efficacy (Cassandra Effect).
Explaining/warning about climate change is one example. Here's a 45s stop-motion vid about beavers and wildfire that's more direct:

Der Oger said...

Of the things Zelenskyy could do and should so he has chosen pretty much every available option.

Putin does not accept anything except raw, brutal strength and anything that would endanger his domestic power base.

Zelenskyy needs ammunition, not fancy maneuvers.

matthew said...

As Tony points out, this is another variation on David's "wager" gambit.
David, has your wager gambit *ever* worked for you?

What makes you think that the same gambit would work against a billionaire oligarch-run nation state? Do you think that Russia's wife and children would be silently watching as Russia turns cowardly in the face of your masterful strategy?


Der Oger said...

There should be a Cassandra prize - someone who warned of an impending danger, and that danger becomes reality, should be rewarded. Maybe in different categories - Environment, Medicine, Politics etc.

Der Oger said...

Don't expect an uprising soon. If Russia United get's away with awarding literal meat grinders to mothers of fallen soldiers, and these mothers remains docile, they are probably beyond reality for a Long time.

The only game that might work is "Dare Me".

Every airplane violating NATO airspace is not only intercepted, but attacked.
Each ship leaving the Bay of Finnland ist controlled, searched and seized If Military or espionage equipment is found or sanctions are violated.
French Nuclear Weapons should be stationed in striking distanced to St. Petersburg, and even the Europeans could make short work of the Transnistrian rebels in Moldavia.
Kick out all diplomats. Putin can call If he wants to speak.
Ready all states to be one step away of actually declaring war on Russia.
Do it all at once, within 48 hours.
Create facts, not words.

My bet is that the Kremlin will rage and threaten US with doom - and do nothing.

Dare us!

Der Oger said...

The answer of our Ministry of the Foreign to the deported Germans was actualizing travel information (not giving out travel warnings) and saying "There are some issues which are not totally clear to us", which is bureaucracy speech meaning "WTF are you doing"?

Larry Hart said...

Der Oger's "Cassandra Prize" should have a sliding scale of reward money that increases every time a prominent "expert" who is supposed to know the subject matter calls you "deranged" or otherwise insinuates that your warning is insane.

Tony Fisk said...

Thankyou for the clarification

Tony Fisk said...

@Matthew, David has repeatedly said it's worked for him on several occasions. The point is that they *do* find excuses not to put their money down. As I said earlier, however, I think the tactic works better in person, where the smell of fear is more apparent.

If Russia United get's away with awarding literal meat grinders to mothers of fallen soldiers...

Coincidentally, the Russian casualty estimate* is likely to exceed 900,000 today. I think a real psychological barrier will be reached around June, when the numbers will hit a million.

* 'casualties' include wounded as well as dead, although Russia's treatment of its failed meat has never been great.

Larry Hart said...

If Russia United get's away with awarding literal meat grinders to mothers of fallen soldiers, and these mothers remains docile,...

Time again for this excerpt from Mark Twain's "The Czar's Soliloquy"

There are twenty-five million families in Russia. There is a man-child at every mother's knee. If these were twenty-five million patriotic mothers, they would teach these man-children daily, saying : "Remember this, take it to heart, live by it, die for it if necessary: that our patriotism is medieval, outworn, obsolete; that the modern patriotism, the true patriotism, the only rational patriotism, is loyalty to the Nation all the time, loyalty to the Government when it deserves it."

With twenty-five million taught and trained patriots in the land a generation from now, my successor would think twice before he would butcher a thousand helpless poor petitioners humbly begging for his kind-ness and justice, as I did the other day.

Tom M said...

Brin considers himself a scientist, but his opinions are full of emotion rather than informed analytic thinking. Calling Trump Putin's puppet with no evidence of any kind that Trump does anything pro Russia and anti-US. He tells us what Putin thinks, but he couldn't possibly know what Putin thinks. Finally, he talks about truth, but his truth is pure speculation. As far as the truth about Russia-Ukraine, Brin has no clue. His recommended action to Zelenskyy would accomplish nothing.

David Brin said...

Der Oger starts with truth: “Putin does not accept anything except raw, brutal strength and anything that would endanger his domestic power base.”

Only then he reveals the problem with the defenders of the Enlightenment:
“Zelenskyy needs ammunition, not fancy maneuvers.”
Of course facts and deeds and palpable enablers-of-deeds… like ammunition… matter more than words. Or they do to folks like you and me. Our goals are outcomes like universal opportunity for all children to strive and cooperate and compete in positive sum ways – (as recommended by Adam Smith) - without being much hampered by accidents of birth, in a civilization that preserves such opportunities… along with the world. And above-all, you and I are willing to change near term tactics, in pursuit of those outcomes. Especially when former tactics or assumptions proved faulty.

It's why Al Gore did more to trim bloated government than any sum total of all screaming conservative, combined.
Alas, this hampers us at understanding what has happened. That manipulators have convinced millions – the entire right and some swathes of the left - to drug themselves in sanctimony highs that are propelled by endorphin-triggering incantations and tactics that are utterly immune to evidential refutation by outcomes… immune to facts. Those triggers fall into the general realm of polemics…

… and poor der Oger – despite his nation’s history – cannot bring himself to perceive that millions can be swayed by polemical incantations that protect them from any disturbance by facts.

Matthew asks has wager demanding ever worked for me? The answer is that it is the ONLY thing that has every worked! And it has worked in ways he cannot and will never understand.
Have I won any money? No, because it works by making them flee in panic, often before witnesses. And Several folks have openly admitted that it made them realize their movement was utterly fact-free. And peeling away influential members of that coalition is part of the complex path to victory. (What does NOT work is addictively masturbating to tirades that failed Hillary in 16 and Kamala in 24, while allowing shrill sanctimony junkies to double down on their obsession with pouring hatred on allies and narrowing the coalition.)

WHY can’t matthew possibly understand? Because many fellow citizens on the right have one admirable trait that matthew’s ilk are utterly incapable of understanding. Are MAGAs generally dopes with varied degrees of bigotry and hatred of modernity and many of them Kremlin shills? Sure. But many of them do at least officially believe in something called ‘honor.’ That someone (especially a man) SHOULD stand up and back up his hot air. And a wager is the purest form of that.
Do they actually DO it? Of course not. They know they’ll lose their cash and be humiliated by facts, and so they flee. But some feel SHAME over that. While poor matthew could read the previous sentences and never, ever, remotely imagine any of that. Nothing – not political failure or the consequences of his cult giving us Trump… nothing will cause neurons ever to flash at that word. Honor.

David Brin said...

Der Oger, let me put it simply. Polemics are key to this crisis. And the folks on the side of the Enlightenment are utterly incapable of understanding that. And this is proved by the fact that you actually think the Russian People would not find out that Putin refused the commission I just described.

David Brin said...

Tom M... STEP UP! Have your atty contact me when you have escrowed major wager stakes over what you just posted in attacking me. Do it now! Come and take my money! We already have a couple of lying cowards here. How about you prove you are more of a man than they are?

Here's my standard (paste-in) wager demand. "Have your atty verify $10k escrowed stakes. We'll put evidence to a RANDOM panel of retired Sr military officers. (Most former Republicans.) Pool with fellow MAGAs. Take MY $$!

*Grand juries across USA (mostly white retirees in red-run states) indicted ~100X as many top Repubs as Dems! ~80x convictions!Your cult is a criminal gang. Bets?

*Fact-check any RANDOM 10 of Trump's >>150,000 registered lies. Or evidence of ANY election 'steal.' Or name 1 fact-profession NOT hated-on by Fox?

* Tally NDAs & hush payments! Which party wants to BAN them?

*Come to sea with me and a Ph meter! Bet whether CO2-caused acid is killing the oceans.

*Check Fox 'scientists are sheep!' rants. Let's knock on 20 RANDOM labs at a research university!

*Compare DEATH rates of those who refused vaccines!

*Bet which party is ALWAYS more fiscally responsible? Compare economic outcomes!

*Or if Red-States (except Utah) average higher on EVERY turpitude from gambling, STDs, teen sex to domestic violence, crime...

*Which party's pols have 3x as many WIVES?

No MAGA/Putinist ever shows manly guts to back up their blab, as grampa would've. Blowhards flee the ruins of their macho.

Treebeard said...

That's the charm of this blog. It purports to be a place for the most rational, level-headed, scientific types, yet its host is one of the more emotion-driven, biased, tribal, irrational pundits around. Check out his ALL CAPS rants and insults, the wild accusations treated as fact, the ultra-confident but failed predictions, the know-it-all “judo moves” and lists of secret tricks that can solve...pretty much any problem in the world. Then there are the commenters who demonstrate the superior maturity and intellect in the camp of the science-progressive-resistance by using terms like “rumpT” and “maggots”, or hyper-ventilating about various imaginary threats, or just copy-and-pasting other people’s propaganda. It’s an odd little cult, but kinda interesting and pretty good entertainment to see how groups of nerds can gaslight each other and themselves, imo.

Tom M said...

David, As you, I am a PhD physicist. It saddens me to see so much emotion in your analyses. I abstain from focussing on personalities in politics since I do not know the parties involved and I do not trust the images presented by the media. I also do not side with any party in politics. I analyze each policy separately and focus on its contribution (or lack thereof) to the common good. I am not interested in your money. I have what I need. I don't need a bet to carry-on a thoughtful analysis of an issue. I am surprised that you seem to think of a bet as such a motivator. As scientists, we have an obligation to be our own worst critics when it comes to analysis and conclusion. In any event, have enjoyed your books.

Alfred Differ said...


Dude. He runs this blog for his contrarian needs. If you want a more measured analysis, I've seen him do that elsewhere when it suits him.

We are all capable of calm and soothing. Ask yourself if it is worth the time to do that right now and you'll see our problem. How would 'meek' sell right now?

Unknown said...

Yeah, what Alfred said

I'd add that I *think* Dr. Brin sees his Star Trek future in danger of slipping away, where an Earth-spanning civilization - without horrible deprivation or science-crushing autocracy - reaches out into the universe, or at least the Solar System. It's my perspective, at least.

People talk about 'tipping points' and this is probably one, but there are usually MANY tipping points, right up until the last one. Rome staggered through a mort of them before it finally went down. People across the world are looking at their futures and comparing them to what their parents's not looking good, and the Rich are generally excellent and redirecting the popular blame at any 'other' than themselves, but that never works forever. Loc (before I finally quit the habit) seemed more worried about genetic purity and enforcement of a specific set of moral values than the immiseration of his fellow USians. I learned about the 'revolution of rising expectations' a long time ago, and it's here, looking for targets. (How popular is rumpT now? Could he win a rerun of the 2024 election now that his policies are exposed?)
Brin wants to avoid a Marxist ending by keeping the middle class rich. People like McS seem intent on bringing it on by destroying the middle class's support structure.

(Rant over)

Pappenheimer, hoping that a possible future outreach of humanity into the skies won't resemble the 'fleeing the doomed planet' motif most recently popularized in the Firefly 'verse.

Unknown said...

Tacitus (the historian) lived through Sulla's Proscriptions, but a lot of his contemporaries did not. He would immediately recognize what's happening the the US Senate - reducing their own power in the face of tyranny until a senator could be replaced by a horse without effecting much of a change.


Der Oger said...

Tacitus was born in 55 AD - Long after the Republic fell. You probably mean Cicero, who survived Sulla, but not the second triumvirate.

Der Oger said...

Got that. I assume they would find it out; what I think is that they would not care. The overwhelming majority of Russians is either in a mind - numbing
state of self-imposed exile, or supporting Putins war efforts fueled by revanchism, imperialism and state propaganda.I fear not even a total economic and military collapse would cure them of their beliefs.

Der Oger said...

… and poor der Oger – despite his nation’s history – cannot bring himself to perceive that millions can be swayed by polemical incantations that protect them from any disturbance by facts.

Sigh. You are not totally wrong. But are you willing to support the necessary legal and societal changes necessary to make a society more resistant to fascism? And even they just slow it down.

Larry Hart said...

...until a senator could be replaced by a horse without effecting much of a change.

A horse could at least vote "neigh" some times.

Larry Hart said...


Tom M:

Calling Trump Putin's puppet with no evidence of any kind that Trump does anything pro Russia and anti-US.

You demand "evidence" as if it's difficult to tease out rather than obvious even to the most obtuse by now. Start with destroying the western alliances and economies and move on to saving Russia's bacon in their disastrous war with Ukraine.

He tells us what Putin thinks, but he couldn't possibly know what Putin thinks.

"If I drop a hammer on a planet with a positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has done so.”

Der Oger said...

Isn't the Star Trek human society a post-capitalist, classless and mostly nationless society (i.e. communist?)

That said, the true problem is, in my view, authoritarianism... Look at Cuba, for example, where the legal status of LGBT+ people and women is becoming much more liberal than in the US each it was in the Warsaw pact before the collapse ...

Larry Hart said...

Der Oger:

sn't the Star Trek human society a post-capitalist, classless and mostly nationless society (i.e. communist?)

I try not to read as much into the minutiae of the implied economic system of Star Trek as many other here do. TNG establishes Earth society as being post-capitalist, but beyond that, the details are intentionally vague. From what I can tell of the interactions on the ship, people just do stuff because they're supposed to or because they like to. TOS was even more vague about that sort of thing.

I think the desire that sci-fi fans have for a "Star Trek future" is not so much about economics as it is about continuing the human adventure--meeting new challenges and growing from them--on an increasingly grander scale.

matthew said...

Real honor would be owning your own complicancy in creating our current problems, Dr. Brin.
You defended and fought tooth and nail for Elon Musk right up to the election, only breaking with him *after* he had successfully funded Trump for POTUS. You were still making excuses for him the last time you posted about him.

An honorable man would admit that his actions had done much more harm than good.

Dr. Brin is not an honorable man. He is incapable of self-reflection or self-criticism. His ego will not allow it.

I do not believe that David's wager gambit has ever worked. My most charitable interpretation would be that David *thinks* it worked, not realizing that he defected himself by being an asshole bully. But, I doubt even that.

David exists in this space to give rich techbois and right-wing DoJ/IARPA schmucks permission to continue to counter-democratic actions.

The Transparent Society succeeded in setting up David with a nice source of income telling oligarchs and government "guardians" that they were OK in building a massive surveillance state because the powerless would somehow figure out how to look back at them. With a wink and a nod.

Really, The Transparent Society was a sucker-punch, designed to keep all the nerds quiet while the real masters set up their surveillance state and social (control) networks.

I hope the checks were enough to buy your way out of gulag, David, but I bet you'll be betrayed in the end.

scidata said...

A wee epiphany for me. In re-reading Seymour Papert's (and my own) thoughts on 'syntonicity' from years ago, it became crystal clear. DT has no capacity for syntonicity. None. Pitiable. What a sad, lonely, hollow, scary life that must be.

Der Oger said...

I sometimes think True AI and Post-Scarcity economics are the Basic technological conditions for communism to actually work, and maybe also for each other.

locumranch said...

I must disagree with Tom & Treebeard's assessment of Dr. Brin:

I am much more sympathetic to our fine host, despite being his most enduring critic, because I recognize the nature of his delusion, as it's one that is all too common among my fellow medical professionals.

Like many physicians who can accurately predict the course of a patient's illness & the odds of recovery, our resident 'futurist' prides himself in his ability to accurately predict the future with his words and, like those physicians, he tends to mistake his predictive abilities for control.

It's as if his pretty-good track record of predictive description can guide, control & guarantee the arrival of a Star Trek future, assuming he predicts it, and it is this assumed reversal-of-causality that explains his ongoing insistence on specific word spells & polemics.

Finally, I must take exception with Papp's erroneous belief that I am overly concerned with 'genetic purity' like some sort of nazi, because I am most definitely not a purist.

Instead, I am most concerned with provable biological distinctions that fly in the face of the woke equality delusion, as befits a trained scientist who possesses advanced medical & biochemistry degrees, because a rabbit will never become an ocelot just because someone chooses to proclaim their sameness & interchangeable equality.


Der Oger said...

Ha! Villain finally revealed! It wasn't Vladimir, it was Lizzy Two all the time!

Der Oger said...

Poor Locum. He found out that the Trump administration will build their concentration camps in countries abroad, and that the position of Concentration Camp Doctor he aspired to will be filled by a brown-skinned immi... I mean, natural born citizen of that country.

locumranch said...

In regards to the Ukrainian/Russian Conflict, the primary villain appears to be Merkel who admitted in 'Die Zeit' that the Minsk peace agreements were outright frauds designed only to buy time for Ukraine's rearmament. She also confirmed that NATO wanted war between Ukraine & Russia from the start but needed time to prepare militarily (same interview).

Furthermore, of the 3 types of medical experiments perpetuated by the Nazis, by far the most horrifying were those race-based Mengelian ones that pursued genetic EQUALITY through the conversion of ethnic genetic differences into a homogenized blue-eyed Aryan sameness. According to the online US Holocaust Memorial Museum & Encyclopedia, that is.

And Golly Gee! In the pursuit of radical gender equality, I wonder who here supports the 'Transgender Mutilation of Minor Children' through Mengelian medical therapies ??

Big Hint: It's not the conservative political rightwing.


Darrell E said...

Damn, Matthew. You've gone overboard. Talk about being an overbearing asshole?

Celt said...

With Easter and Passover approaching, understand why conservatives are not just wrong - they are evil.

“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.”-Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials.

"The death of human empathy is one of the earliest and most telling signs of a culture about to fall into barbarism." -Hannah Arendt

Right Wingers, especially Christian nationalists and evangelicals have come to hate empathy, all the while claiming to follow the religious doctrine of a man who explicitly said to love thy neighbor, help the poor, and not hoard wealth.
How empathy came to be seen as a weakness in conservative circles

People tend to think of empathy or caring about other people's feelings as a good thing, but in some conservative circles, there's a growing chorus of voices arguing that empathy could be bad.


ELON MUSK: The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy.

MCCAMMON: That's billionaire Elon Musk, speaking recently on the podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience." They were discussing the idea that unchecked immigration into Western countries is threatening Western political and cultural values. Musk agrees and warns that societies are at risk of self-destructing.


MUSK: There's so much empathy that you actually suicide yourself.


MUSK: So that - we've got civilizational suicidal empathy going on.


JOSH MCPHERSON: Empathy almost needs to be struck from the Christian vocabulary.



MCPHERSON: Empathy is dangerous. Empathy is toxic. Empathy will align you with hell.


ALLIE BETH STUCKEY: Really, I think empathy as hoisted up as the highest virtue, or even a virtue at all - I think that really gets us into a really big mess.


JOE RIGNEY: Most people have a hard time imagining how empathy could ever be harmful. And therefore, if I'm the devil, where am I going to hide some of my most destructive tactics?

MCCAMMON: That was pastor Josh McPherson on his podcast, "Stronger Man Nation," conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey on the "Family Talk" podcast, and author Joe Rigney, discussing his book, "The Sin Of Empathy," on a podcast hosted by Al Mohler of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Celt said...


New York Times columnist David French has noticed this discourse and wrote about it in a recent column called "Behold The Strange Spectacle Of Christians Against Empathy." French says Jesus - the central figure in Christianity - embodied empathy by coming to Earth as a man and enduring the human experience. French notes that Trump has cut programs long supported by many evangelicals and conservative Catholics, including funding for religious organizations that help the poor.
Behold the Strange Spectacle of Christians Against Empathy

Yet now the focus of Christian right isn’t on the defense of liberty; it’s on the accumulation of power. And it is using that power to impose its will, including by imposing its will on Christian organizations it has decided are woke or opposed to President Trump’s agenda.

Few things illustrate that reality more clearly than the Trump administration’s decision to unilaterally — and often unlawfully — defund Christian organizations, including evangelical organizations, that serve poor and marginalized people at home and abroad.

This video is does a great job of unpacking why Right Wing Christians view Empathy as a Sin. It begins with the Episcopalian preacher who spoke truth to power, at Trump on his inauguration.
The Sin Of Empathy

On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? ' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. - Matthew 7:22-29

"And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me." - Matthew 25:40

matthew said...

"You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Similarly, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will recognize them." Matthew 7:16-20

My namesake knew to judge people by their actions. To the best of my knowledge, no else here was an "unofficial adviser" to the man that is dismantling the United States, funding Nazi parties, and hastening the ecological destruction of the planet.

David is not to be trusted.

scidata said...

BTW For those without a strong mathematical, psychohistorical, and computational sociology bent, 'syntonicity' = 'empathy'.

Alfred Differ said...


Your current path takes you to Mirkwood.

Tony Fisk said...

Musk and the Pastors of Mammon need not worry about any empathy from me: I do not understand how their understanding of the world motivates them.

locumranch said...

The qualitative arguments offered up by both Matthew & Celt represent false dichotomies & flawed either-or binary thinking, as the former accuses our fine host of being 'dishonorable' by virtue of 'not being honorable enough' and the later condemns conservatives for being entirely lacking in empathy for not being empathetic enough. In their subjective opinion.

Matthew & Celt are both insane, as honor, goodness, empathy & sympathy are all QUANTITATIVE terms rather than qualitative concepts.

Familiarize yourselves with the concept of 'Pathological Empathy & Altruism', as these terms are most commonly defined as an excessive and potentially harmful emotional response to others' suffering, often leading to burnout, guilt, suicide, self-destruction & the neglect of one's own needs.

Read 'The Camp of the Saints'.

Or, better yet, keep providing free booze to drunkards, unlimited heroin to addicts & infinite female victims to serial rapists until you realize that the best way to help is (sometimes) not to help at all.


For the past 20 years, Israeli citizens gave Gaza dwellers virtual independence, the right to self-rule and free monies, food, water & electricity, and the Gazans responded to this pathological Israeli empathy with premeditated violence, hostage taking & the murder of over 1200 unarmed Israeli women & children. Yet, it is the poor ungrateful murdering Gazans that Matthew, Celt & other jew haters feel sorry for.

C-plus said...

Back in '99 when Phantom Menace was released, I remember there being two factions - the "What a crappy movie" camp vs the "It's not that bad" camp. Apparently, there was a third, quieter group, whose reaction was "What a great idea!"

David Brin said...

Tom M's attempt at "I'm so adult and reasonable" boils down to a pathetic whine. Look man, civilization is at stake and we are each making assertions about matters that are critical to its survival. THE fundamental difference between us is that I am willing to meticulously appraise assertions based on provable facts -- and I am willing to suffer consequences if my assertions turn out to be bitchy rabid-frothing bullshit...

... and I have nothing but contempt for guys who are unwilling to do the same while pushing Kremlin party lines.

Dig it. If you believe the crap your side spews, then let's settle major stakes and validation panels and you should TAKE MY MONEY! You should WANT my money... along with the satisfaction of humiliating me publicly.

Your writhing excuses for not allowing our assertions to have consequences boil down to what every single MAGA does... whining excuses by the party of macho for the pure fact that they are non-men.

It can be something other than cash, by the way, so long as you at long last face consequences for the masturbation memes your cult spews across a country and civilization that I love.

You... are... a... liar, sir. Step up. if there is a smidgeon of honor in your soul.

David Brin said...

matthew: YOU prove that the left is also rife with liars: "You defended and fought tooth and nail for Elon Musk right up to the election, "

You utterly lie, sir. I said let's go after those billionaires who have done more harm than good. I changed my mind about Elon when he swerved to become one of those. And he has. I change my mind when presented with new facts. You cultists never do. Idiot.

Lloyd Flack said...

David , Tom M is completely wrong in what he says about Putin and Trump and this is easily demonstrated to any reasonable person. But you still lost when you tried to force him into a wager. All he had to do was say I don't believe in wagers and even most of those who disagree with him will take his side on the issue of refusing to take the wager. It will be seen as maturity , not cowardice. This is one reason that your wager idea fails.

scidata said...

Re: wagers
"A true Englishman doesn't joke when he is talking about so serious a thing as a wager."
- Jules Verne (Eighty Days)

Re: Musk
I must admit to saying some positive things about Elon myself up until a year or two ago. Perhaps Nancy Reagan was right about drugs.
Matthew 27:34
There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it.

Re: Our "odd little cult"
We do seem to attract a lot of Dark Side attention. Perhaps there's a reason.
In STARGATE (1994), there's a scene near the start when the gate looks like a hopeless cause, with increasingly futile attempts to figure it out. One elderly gate scientist, frustrated by the lack of competent staff, asks the 'kurt' Col. O'Neil, "Why you? Why are you here?"
O'Neil answers, "I'm here in case you succeed."

David Brin said...

scidata... in fact I have long been amazed by the paucity of trolls we get here at Contrary Brin. Even Treebeard and Locum speak in polysyllabic sentences that attempt to parse an argument... as does matthew, from time to time.

Of course that illustrates how the form and rhythm of an incantation can make the spellcaster convinced that the spell is "true." You can see this almost any individual minute on Fox...

... as also happened when the calamity-splitters and coalition wreckers in the Harris campaign kept screaming "Abortion!" as a magic cure-all. This difference is that mostly they weren't LIARS, like everyone at Fox... just polemicists who believed their sanctimony was more important than victory.

Larry Hart said...

If--and I don't believe this, but many do--if Donald Trump was indeed chosen by God to be president in this moment, then maybe it was for a different reason than the one his fans assume. Maybe God anointed Trump as president of the United States in order to make clear to the rest of the free world just what a similar choice in their own countries would lead to.

David Brin said...

Lloyd F sorry, but your point is utterly weged. It translates as "I don't believe that any assertion that I make can be disproved, but just in case it can be, I refuse to accept any consequences for spreading outright lies that help to destroy civilization.

"I don't do wagers" is bullshit. If I start with "Will you bet $100 that the sun will still exist in 24 hourse?" The response from ANYONE will be "Cache $100 with a neutral party and I'll collect it in the morning."

"I don't bet" is one of the surest signs that the children of the greatest generation are a pack of weasels without any honor or any sense that accountability by facts should actually matter. Certainly not locum or treebeard or matthew.

Know who bets? SCIENTISTS! They do it all the time. Bottles of wine, dinners, $100 here and there? You know why? Because they believe in objective reality and THEY LIKE IT. They like accountability and practice it, daily.

Alfred Differ said...

Lloyd Flack,

All he had to do was say I don't believe in wagers and even most of those who disagree with him will take his side on the issue of refusing to take the wager.

I wouldn't. I would see the retreat as cowardice unless it was also accompanied by at least a partial surrender of the point.

The ONLY issue I have with our host's wagers is they are sometimes aimed at people I think are poor targets. Would-be allies require a different kind of handling. However, he and I can reasonably disagree on where to draw that line and how much effort to put into special handling. That makes my discomfort with his choices a matter of preferences and there is no point arguing those... most of the time.

Lloyd Flack said...

Scientists' bets are games with not much at stake and with mutually agreed means of resolution. Part of the problem is that you are trying to impose the method of resolution and one that's no fun at that.

duncan cairncross said...

As Larry Hart said
The USA is often used as an example to the rest of the world - of what NOT to do!
And while Musk is definitely being a right plonker he HAS contributed greatly to our future
The ones that I am more down on are your right-wing politicians whose JOB is to run your country and who have not made any positive contribution for the last four decades
AND whose job is to rein in people like Trump

David Brin said...

LF: "Scientists' bets are games with not much at stake and with mutually agreed means of resolution. Part of the problem is that you are trying to impose the method of resolution and one that's no fun at that."

Baloney sir. The stakes vary among scientists but that's not what's important. What matters is that they are willinf to stake a position and be publicly seen accepting the ruling of a neutral arbiter (objective reality.). YOU on the other hand, are NOT so willing. You love your assertions and don't want facts to get in the way....

...even the GOOD side in this civil war is 99% weenie cowards who masturbate to their assertions and yowls without letting them be tested. Even the assertions that are blatantly RIGHT... which most liberal assertions ARE, to some degree!

Ironically, it is the foul, evil, traitor movement - today's mad right - that contains many millions of folks who DO understand the concept, which is why they don't just shrug off wagering - as you do - but flee in horror from it... and someimes, rarely are swayed when cornered.

Lloyd Flack said...

Oh, I'm perfectly willing to have my beliefs tested. I just think wagers are a bad means of testing them. Because I see wagers as focusing on proving someone else wrong rather than on explanation. Yes, I want to get those I disagree with to question their beliefs. I try to do it through patient explanations. Most of the time it doesn't work and I end up wanting to grab them by the shirt collar and shake. But sometimes it does.

duncan cairncross said...

I have changed my opinion on several things over the years - each time it has been because of new (to me) evidence - or a "better explanation"
There has never been any type of "wager" involved

Wagers may work with some people - but not with me (so far)

Lloyd Flack said...

They'd backfire with me because I would see them as evidence that the one proposing the wager was more interested in winning than in understanding or explanation.

Tom M said...

Okay Mr. Brin, have it your way. IMHO personal assaults and derogatory generalizations have no place in informed rational analysis. Nor does reduction of complex issues to black or white (binary) matters. Best of luck.

David Brin said...

LF the utter naivete of trying your approach on 95% of mad rightists or even the 30% of lefty sanctimony junkies is a stunning example of why the MR has been allowed to burgeon onto 1934 levels of insanity.Both groups laugh aloud at your attempts to reason with them. And when you offer proof of one point they simply shrug and turn to the next "whattabout...?"

You simply do not understand, The purpose of a wager is to PREVENT CHANGING THE SUBJECT. when they see they are losing a point. Show us another way.

"e I would see them as evidence that the one proposing the wager was more interested in winning than in understanding or explanation."

That is a wedged interpretation that only shows how you are hypocritically unwilling to even begin to understand.

Lloyd Flack said...

David, your proposed means of setting up a wager is so clumsy as to make it useless. Who can you find that they will accept as an umpire? Now if the aim is to show that there is no one whose expertise they will accept then there are other ways to do this. Though what is more important is show that they have no means of testing the truth.
I agree on the importance of preventing them from changing the subject. Unfortunately it is far too easy for them to flee online, often by blocking you. I don't think you can pin them down any way except face-to-face. And that doesn't happen often.
And then who are you trying to show them up in front of? Family and friends? I'm unlikely to be arguing where they will hear it. Fellow zealots? If you run into several online they are going to be engaged in group bonding attacking some other group so they act like one person for purposes of argument. You can't show them up to each other.
What you can do is through calm reasonable arguments reach bystanders who might have been fooled. Often you can make their unreasonableness more apparent.
But wagers are something that I would resist someone using against me for reasons that I have given and hence I can't use them against others without seeing myself as a hypocrite.

Larry Hart said...

...AND whose job is to rein in people like Trump

Now there's something I can fully agree with. Mitch McConnell and John Roberts both (too late to matter) express disappointment with Trump's anti-constitutional activities, when it was literally their job and certainly within their power to "check and balance" the rogue president. The neutering of their respective branches of government is on them.

There's a bit from the tv show The West Wing where President Bartlett has to order a political assassination of a foreign official of an ostensibly allied country because he is also in league with terrorists. Agonizing over the necessity, Bartlett asks his chief of staff, Leo, why he has to do this, and Leo responds, "Because you won." In other words, some things are the responsibility of the office, and it's incumbent upon the holder of the office to perform his function.

Trump and his lickspittle Republicans have no concept of that. To him, "I won" means "I get to do whatever I want." The very idea of responsibility is alien to them.

reason said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
scidata said...

One of the very few things the Dems have going for them now is the absence of JB. It lets them hang this turd sandwich on DT.

Oh wait, Biden is planning to start campaigning again:

C-plus said...

@LH - good point.

In the story of the Exodus, we tend to view it from the point of view of the Hebrews. But someone, in that story, had to play the part of the Egyptians as well. God chose Pharaoh and the Egyptians for the role of "fall guy" - He can do the same with Trump.

matthew said...

That is a lie. You were defending Musk literally up to the election.

matthew said...

Kudos for responding with just the right proverb. Touche and point well made.

Slim Moldie said...

A variation of our host's wager proposal that has a non-zero probability of occurring:

Our hypothetical host sets up shop outside a sporting event or outdoor shopping area on a corner out of earshot of an apocalyptic street preacher. He will need to invest in a bicycle trailer with some sort of carny booth with multiple large digital display signage. He will also need to procure the services of a couple body guards who pass the eye test. The title of his booth is: “Prove to an AI that I am wrong. Nut roast challenge.” Up on a large monitor he runs a scrolling numbered list of assertions he believes in. Like the preacher at the other corner, he barkers and encroaches upon the people minding their own business outside the venue to challenge any of his assertions displayed on the menu. Once he lands a mark, he offers the challenger a steel mesh utility jock strap belt identical to his own attached to jumper cables. He gestures to the car battery waiting for the loser. He makes a show of it with a multimeter. To challenge the host, the mark must use the hosts laptop to type (his) question into the prompt of 3 prominent AI tools. The host may type in a counter prompt for each of his prompts. All of this is displayed to the audience via monitors. Lastly the host records any losers taking their punishment or fleeing and display that footage on the monitors.

Larry Hart said...

Dr Brin:

...kept screaming "Abortion!" as a magic cure-all.

Well, to be fair, it should have been enough (Dayenu). The Trump/Project 2025/Christianist Republicans of 2024 were advocating for so many infringements on our rights and liberties, any one of which should have resulted in their losing by a landslide.

I'm not claiming that abortion was the only such issue. There were so many to choose from, but that very fact ended up being a strength for them, as their opposition couldn't keep up with pointing out all of the Republican awfulness. They shouldn't have had to. What the GQP were doing to women's health care alone should have disqualified them from winning positions of authority, and would have done so in a rational country with fair elections. The fact that there were other, equally deplorable activities on their part should only add to their disqualification, not excuse them.

Larry Hart said...


I wasn't thinking of Trump as Pharaoh with God elevating him to power only to then take him down. I had more in mind that God elevated Trump to his current position as a cautionary tale to the other democratic countries who were in the process of turning to right-wing nativist populism. We Americans might be sacrificial lambs required to save the rest of the free world.

* * *

In my recurring theme of Beast Rabban/Feyd-Rautha, it now occurs to me that Elon Musk is being set up in the Beast Rabban role, with Trump himself possibly meant to play the role of Feyd-Rautha savior. IIRC, Rabban was tasked with squeezing as much value from the common man as possible in order to pay for the military operation of seizing Arrakis. Sounds a lot like what Musk is doing now.

locumranch said...

It's fascinating that Seldon's PSYCHOHISTORY, most commonly defined as "a predictive science that uses statistical analysis to anticipate the future behavior of large human populations", is so routinely misapplied by our resident 'Foundation' expert & author:

Again, I say that Predictive Foresight is NOT Control of Futurological Events, even as Dr Brin continues to insist that his wagers, warnings & word spells can somehow prevent a 'bad future' from happening.

Following such an egregious 'redefinition', Isaac Asimov is probably spinning in his grave over the willful destruction of his literary legacy.


locumranch said...

@Scidata, our local Psychohistory wonk:

I wager that you cannot explain how Seldon's theory can prevent a bad future from happening , instead of just moderating & shortening the most undesirable aspects of said 'bad future' after it has already occurred, without creating a PARADOX which would otherwise invalidate the psychohistory concept.


reason said...

I actually listened to Merkel (in the original German), and of course locum's interpretation of what she said is complete and utter bullshit. She was explaining why they helped to negotiate a ceasefire so obviously disadvantageous to Ukraine (the was before the current Ukrainian president). She of course did not trust Putin. But of course, she wants peace and a democratic Ukraine. The current Ukrainian president was elected not to start a war but promising to negotiate a lasting peace. He was a performer who was well known and liked in Russia, and was a native Russian speaker. But he found it impossible to negotiate in good faith with Putin, who insisted on Ukrainian (but not Russian) disarmament. A clearly impossible pre-condition.

scidata said...

First, FOUNDATION'S TRIUMPH is one of the top 5 books I've ever read. It is the wrap-up to Asimov's legacy that could not have been better thought out or written. Dr. Brin is much more qualified to defend it than I am.

Now, to psychohistory itself. I cannot take your wager, because I don't work on Predictive Foresight or Futurological Events at all! I use two models, one Bayesian and one mathematical. The Bayesian one is far more robust and meaningful. This methodology relies on knowing 'priors' to an ever-increasing precision. That's not possible with the future. Further, I don't care about the future! I'm interested in using psychohistory as an anthropology tool. I'd like to explore mysteries of the past. The shorthand version might be described as something like Piers Anthony's MACROSCOPE.

On a more moralistic note, I don't even like the notion of controlling or manipulating the future. That's best left to education and ethics. I had a very strict Presbyterian upbringing, so maybe wagers and God-like powers scare me. Fun fact: Thomas Bayes was a Presbyterian minister.

scidata said...

To clarify, the Bayesian model is computational, and the mathematical model uses simple calculus.

Gator said...

Two things.
1) Nazi bar. Just a thought about openly racist posters like Locum.

2) Splitters. It's ironic hearing the rants about splitters. This is how the right wing took over the GOP, this is their continuing method of dominating the party. Any "moderate" gets primaried out. So we're left with a right-wing party that is actively trying to destroy democracy in the United States, drive us away from military allies, weaken our economy, destroy any social safety net, scapegoat vulnerable minorities, attack the free press, free speech, universities, legal profession, etc. etc.
When you ask people why they didn't vote for Dems you hear "well, I like what they say but they don't deliver." Fair enough. Why don't the dems then actually work on delivering? Because they think people "have" to vote for them. How about we elect some left wing politicians who will focus on delivering, who will go after the plurality of people that *did not vote*! Instead of chasing the slim 1% teetering between what should have been a clear choice of a rational person and an idiot. Go get those people to the polls. You don't get them out by promising "well at least we aren't those guys." And before you come back with a list of things the dems did accomplish - yes, I get it! But how come 99% of the voters don't get it? Go convince those people who think the dems aren't doing much - convince those people who believed Trump would lower the price of eggs. Or the people who thought there's no difference between the two sides.

locumranch said...

First, Pier Anthony's "Macroscope" provides a near textbook definition for Pathological Empathy & Altruism as nearly every character chooses to either suicide or sacrifice their own individual self-interest in the pursuit of some sort of abstract moral ideal;

Second, the Self-Preventing Prophecy construct is oxymoronic to an extreme, as any prediction that does not come true (aka 'a false prediction') is by definition NOT A PROPHECY; and

Third, Asimov's Psychohistory Model was specifically defined as a statistically predictive futurological tool, not as a device designed to investigate a well-known, thoroughly documented & non-mysterious 'a posteriori' history.

Words mean things, people !!!

Most emphatically, the term 'Psychohistory' does not refer to 'History for Psychos' !!


Will someone give Gator some grammar lessons plz (?) as I have no idea what he is trying to say.

scidata said...

"thoroughly documented & non-mysterious" things like Linear A, pre-history (eg floods), possible search locations for more Antikythera mechanisms, a detailed and accurate map of the human expansion to populate the globe, answers to fantastical myths, origin stories, scriptural contradictions, and lost cultural treasures, a deeper understanding of psychology, etc, etc, etc. Asimov himself was fascinated by such things.

Larry Hart said...

""thoroughly documented & non-mysterious"


They didn't even remember what system humanity originated in.

Alfred Differ said...

Well, to be fair, it should have been enough...

I'm going to respectfully disagree here. Abortion support has ALWAYS been soft at best. There is a large middle group that gets squeamish depending on how the 'Right' is described.

I get that we want them to have that right respected, but we shouldn't be hanging the fate of the free world on a "should have been".

Alfred Differ said...

The politicians whose 'job' it was to deal with political extremes were done away with (largely) when we introduced primary elections. The old party-boss system had several different bosses at different levels who chose (essentially) who could get on a ballot for their party.

Look up Kamala Harris and her early history in CA elections... and you'll find the last CA 'party boss' for the Democrats. No one has filled his shoes since.

Slim Moldie said...

Locum, it almost sounds like you've accused our host of writing The End of Eternity.

David Brin said...

" Who can you find that they will accept as an umpire?" And thus... and in several other places, L Flack proves that he has not ever even once actually read the proposal or taken the slightest curiosity or interest in the topic under discussion. Just yammers. Showing he is truly a modern man.

Tony Fisk said...

Empathy might be considered toxic by a predator who looks at its prey, and sees the prey looking back at them.

Since we're discussing the 'thoroughly documented and non-mysterious', I thought scidata might appreciate this.

Where did humanity originate? The question evolves: it now seems there was a group that went its own way 1.2 million years ago, then came back into the fold about 300,000 years ago. Identity of said group is currently unknown.

Anyone recall 'Quatermass and the Pit'?

Whilst I'm here, the JWST has recently found an oxygen rich galaxy 13.4 billion light years away.
I'll leave you to wonder why that 's interesting.

Larry Hart said...

Abortion support has ALWAYS been soft at best.

Yes, if we're strictly talking about the willful termination of a pregnancy. Even before the election, Republicans were using that as a launch pad to go much further. Outlawing the act of saving a woman's life when a complication of pregnancy threatened her. Preventing the removal of an already-dead fetus. Not to mention preparation to outlaw contraception, and the Louisiana "Contraception Begins at Ejaculation Act" making it illegal to discharge semen without intent to make a baby out of it.

In many states, even red states, voters actually voted to strengthen abortion rights within their own state, either by law or by amending a state constitution. That doesn't show squeamishness over abortion rights. It shows that, paraphrasing Stonekettle, "Voters don't mind the things that Democrats do, they just want Republicans to be the ones doing them."

Larry Hart said...

but we shouldn't be hanging the fate of the free world on a "should have been".

Democrats talked a lot about fascism and authoritarianism and Project 2025 too, but voters didn't seem to treat preserving democracy as a priority. We were simply told we had some kind of derangement syndrome, and that "'Russia Russia Russia' is a hoax" was settled fact.

So if we can't successfully run on preserving democracy and we can't win on cultural issues, what are we supposed to do? In a sane world, the Biden economic miracle would have been enough (Diyanu!) and his rallying of NATO in response to Russian aggression would have been icing on the cake, but no luck there either. I guess eggs just cost too much.

David Brin said...

Empathy is utterly necessary for some kninds of predator. Those who stalk, like cats ponder "What is the deer or mouse thinking and feeling?" It is why they play with their prey and need the sense of smell less than pack hunters like dogs, whose empathy is mostly in-group. (that now includes humans.)

A cat can feel your pain... it just doesn't care.

Empathy PLUS satiation can lead to the beginnings of sympathy... as in "I can feel your pain and I won't benefit from increasing it... and might even help you a little since it costs me nothing.

Humans who are satiated and capable of empathy MAY become sympathetic IF they also arise in a culture that values that trait. Hence the power of some human societies to create positive sum games.

Of all the many traits of poor locum, his flatland inability to even remotely grasp what I was just talking about... or the very concept of positive sum... illustrates the fundamental American dilemma. That modernity moves toward positive sum complexity... and the very concept has always terrified the zero or negative-sum neighbors who regularly and treasonously try to end the enlightenment experiment.

Unknown said...

"Humans who are satiated and capable of empathy MAY become sympathetic..."

That is why shipping jobs overseas and automation may have contributed to the current political climate, and why universal health care and something like a UBI would help correct it - knowing that even if you lost your job or your small business tanked, you won't fall below a certain point; your kids and spouse will stay fed and not die of easily treatable illnesses. More available low income housing would help too.

The GQP explicitly wants to go back to McKinley era laissez faire government. If all even half this P2025 stuff gets through, a lot of Americans are going to die in excess of current mortality rates. Attacking vaccines and modern health policies, destroying Medicare; they want to make things worse for anyone who can't afford to deal with the problems that will arise.


P.S. as an aside, I just read that NOAA will be cutting back on the number or weather balloons (rawinsonde/radiosonde) launched; some launch sites will close and others will be cut back to one launch a day. I used to do this in Panama for the USAF; we launched at 00Z and 12Z every day, and our atmospheric data was incorporated into the models of the time. Even the best, newest models NEED DATA to work with. This will make accurate storm prediction harder, and the civvie companies like Accuweather don't launch their own balloons; they rely on government data (TTAA, TTBB, PPBB) for the start points for each run.
Americans will die, farmers will be hit with more unexpected flooding, hurricane paths will be harder to predict. I suspect any savings from slashing
the program will be far outweighed by the damage caused. It's ¢ wisdom and £ foolishness.


Lloyd Flack said...

I read your proposals earlier. I have no contact with the sort of people that you suggested. I can't set it up. And online the opponents would be gone before I could set things up even if the umpires were available. You have been suggesting using some of your contacts ignoring the fact that most people don't have them.

LM Glenn said...

M. Scott Peck also wrote about this in his book People of the Lie: He called it a form laziness - specifically a kind of moral and spiritual laziness - was closely connected to what he saw as evil. The gist of his argument is that evil often manifests as an unwillingness to engage in self-examination and face difficult truths about oneself. And that this spiritual laziness leads people to avoid responsibility for their actions and to refuse to acknowledge their own imperfections or need for growth.

Der Oger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Der Oger said...

"Americans will die, farmers will be hit with more unexpected flooding, hurricane paths will be harder to predict.

As it was said before: That is a sacrifice they are willing to make.

Besides that, environmental catastrophes hurt small farmers more than large corporations and thus in "consolidation" (read: neofeudal land grabs), so they might be totally OK with it .

Der Oger said...

"Humans who are satiated and capable of empathy MAY become sympathetic IF they also arise in a culture that values that trait."

So, what do you need to create a society that is satiated and values empathy?

Larry Hart said...

Paul Krugman in an e-mail newsletter:

But I can’t help noticing that the inverse correlation between how Americans voted in 2024 and their real interests makes it clear that two of the main factions in the intra-party debate about Democrats’ next moves are talking nonsense.

On one side there are relatively conservative Democrats and Democratic-leaning pundits telling us that the party must move to the center. But when it comes to Social Security, which is really important to most Americans, Democrats — who want to preserve the program — are very much in the center, while Republicans — who want to kill it — are extremists. Yet last November, the voters who have most to lose from this extremism didn’t notice.

On the other side there are progressives who argue that Democrats are in trouble because they abandoned the working class. But even if you think that Democrats have been too friendly toward globalization, or deregulation, or low corporate taxes, the Democratic Party has been far more favorable to workers than the Republicans. The Biden administration was especially pro-worker. But working-class voters didn’t notice.

What all this says is that the priority for Democrats isn’t to pursue whatever you think is a better policy mix. It is to get voters to notice.

matthew said...

This is why Schumer and his centrist pollster-advisors are so corrosive to any plan to fight back against the GOP - they are advising to *hide*, not fight. If the dems would fight instead of hiding, they would attract notice and support. Look at AOC to see the best example of this.

The most important fight in America right now is the fight for control of the Democratic party. Until the centrists are out of power, the democrats will continue to lose.

This is why credibility is important as well. Someone that supports billionaire oligarchs, even the "good" ones, is not credible in this political climate. We are living through the vivid demonstration of why allowing money = speech and unchecked oligarchy is a bad idea.

The leadership for any resistance must come from leaders that have shown that they will not be lured by the siren call of the "good" billionaire because there is no such beast.

locumranch said...

Especially in terms of oxygen, tolerance, empathy & chocolate cake, this assumption that 'more is always better' when a small amount is thought 'good', this is an insane & uniquely WEIRD trait, as the majority of humans prize moderation & balance above all else.

Of course, we need oxygen to live even though 'too much' is toxic by spontaneous combustion, too much tolerance & empathy makes one a patsy and designated victim, and too much yummy chocolate cake causes obesity and diabetes.

Pathological Empathy has a biological analogy, too, as in the case of the Toxoplasmosis parasite (spread by cats) which makes rodents love and SEEK OUT their toothy feline destroyers.

I've figured out, btw, that our inarticulate friend G was calling me a 'racist' -- a big yawn -- and I concede that I am one under the new, improved & vastly expanded Lefty definition thereof, one so inclusive as to render the term meaningless, since it applies to everyone who simultaneously notices, fails to notice, discriminates in accordance with, or FAILS to discriminate in accordance with observable human differences, along with those who are thought politically incorrect, intellectually independent, conservative, christian, white, libertarian, or those who oppose Lefty dogma to any extent.

BTW, we're still waiting to hear all about the fine bureaucrats who've helped our fine host recover from his little 'property calamity'. Well? Where is all the praise for bureaucrats & paper pushers?

Celt said...

"which makes rodents love and SEEK OUT their toothy feline destroyers."

So dark skinned people, LGBTQ, the disabled, the poor, victims of natural disasters, exploited workers in dangerous working conditions, etc. are our destroyers?

Smurphs said...

Totally off-topic, but I have no where else to post this to a prediction registry. Time for a little left-wing conspiracy theory.

Usha Vance is visiting Greenland, where she will be assassinated by a Quebecois separatist. Giving President Trump a casus belli to invade both countries.

I'll take off my tin-foil hat now and see myself out.

locumranch said...

So dark skinned people, LGBTQ, the disabled, the poor, victims of natural disasters, exploited workers in dangerous working conditions, etc. are our destroyers?

As the relative identity of the victim and/or victimizer has always been a matter of perspective, I ask you who is the greater victim here?

The third worlders who willfully enter the EU & US without permission and decry 'white supremacy' while receiving free everything, or those hard-working EU & US citizens who are taxed within an inch of their lives in order to provide free everything to third world interlopers.

Why, do you suppose, does Celt specify "dark skinned people" & "LGBT" in his above comments? Is he implying that gays & dark-skinned people are some how LESS CAPABLE of taking care of themselves than are other people? And, what kind of monster assumes that minorities are less capable from the get-go?

He's just another lefty pothead who gets off on calling the kettle black.


Slim Moldie said...

Kevin Kline and John Cleese have grounds to file suit for copyright infringement of the Otto character from A Fish Called Wanda.

Celt said...

I think I found hope in the 100,000s who are attending AOC and Bernie's "Fighting Oligarchy" tour through the heart of Red States.

Those crowds are massive.

Yet I can't help but have regret for what might have been.

If, of all words of tongue and pen,
The saddest are, "It might have been,"
More sad are these we daily see:
"It is, but hadn't ought to be."

"Maud Muller" - John Greenleaf Whittier

Celt said...

"I ask you who is the greater victim here?"

Obviously nobody in America is more persecuted and oppressed than straight Christian white males.

Celt said...

"while receiving free everything"

I could have sworn that these people paid taxies (including into social security) yet never see a dime of government benefits.

But once they are gone, white people can finally live their dreams of picking produce in the hot sun all day.

Celt said...

"gays & dark-skinned people are some how LESS CAPABLE of taking care of themselves"

Actually its more like they are more persecuted and discriminated against. You ken the difference?

You've never been lynched.
You've never been segregated.
You've never been denied voting rights or had the voting system rigged against you.
You've never been Jim Crowed.
You've never been red lined.
You've never been denied a promotion or employment.
You've never been pulled over for driving in the wrong neighborhood.
You've never been murdered by a cop.
You've never been seated in the back of the bus.
You've never been bullied to the point where you commit suicide.

In fact, given all the handicaps and daily indignities inflicted on gays and dark skinned people, they've managed to keep going.

I doubt you would do the same in similar circumstances.

scidata said...

The TOS episode "Assignment: Earth", was about the monkey-wrenched launch of a 1960s era space weapons platform. It had to be destructed at the very last moment, to scare people away from that suicidal path.

Tacitus said...


I'm mostly staying out of these conversations. I recognize that these are trying times for people on the left and some things just need to be worked out. But your response to Locum does warrant a bit of commentary. He was raising a point in the general realm of immigration. I find much of his writings off putting, but that does not make them invalid. So....

1. You've never been lynched.
2. You've never been segregated.
3. You've never been denied voting rights or had the voting system rigged against you.
4. You've never been Jim Crowed.
5. You've never been red lined.
6. You've never been denied a promotion or employment.
7. You've never been pulled over for driving in the wrong neighborhood.
8. You've never been murdered by a cop.
9. You've never been seated in the back of the bus.
10.You've never been bullied to the point where you commit suicide

1, 4, 5, and 9 are (mostly) historic injustices. Some of them, like lynching, are still all too common in some of the cultures from which recent arrivals have come from. Horrific stuff out of India recently.

Maybe 3 and certainly 6 are points where conservatives would take issue. I don't have a dog in this fight, but the question of ballot irregularities and of DEI measures that could keep a person from getting a job or promotion they otherwise might deserve are not trivial.

You can get pulled over in a swank neighborhood for driving a junker car or just having a tail light out. That's a color blind but class sensitive thing.

I'm pretty sure more white people than others are shot by police, and for the usual mix of valid, dubious and just wrong reasons. Of course you can argue percentages.

I won't trivialize mental illness/suicide discussions.

I like to think that CB can regain its former status as a place where people with different perspectives can come and chat.

Make it so....


Unknown said...

It is a very naive judo move.
For anyone who has followed the conflict for the past 10 years it would be obvious that it would never work. Not because it cannot work in principle, but because all similar attempts to demonstrate the true nature of Russian fascism via presentation the facts had failed well before Russian tanks crossed the border 3 years ago. It may not be so apparent for someone in America, but before the big war there had been an enormous amount of discussion and arguments about this in the Russian/Ukrainian speaking worlds. Enough arguments and fact had been presented and discussed. Did not help. Why should this one be anyhow better.

Secondly, and this is my main point, is why president Zelenskii has to do all this at all? There is no need for Ukraine to explain to anyone why their territory is theirs. There is no doubts about this neither in Ukraine no , now, in Europe. Discussing it yet again is a sure way to prolong the conflict as it gives Russians a reason to continue. No discussion about it again.
The entire narrative about the need for Ukraine to prove something, demonstrate its legitimacy etc is exactly the thing Russians (and not just Putin) have been peddling for years. Now the new American administration comes and all of the sadden everyone has to jump. Does not work like this. Zelenskii did not jump then and will not jump now.

Artemi Glazkov

matthew said...

All 10 of these points are occurring in the US right now.
LOL at "conservatives would take issue" with 3 and 6. Yeah, they'd take issue because you noticed them doing it.

Tacitus lives in a different world, divorced from reality. Seriously, you need to alter your media diet.

locumranch said...

You've never been lynched... segregated... denied voting rights... been Jim Crowed... red lined... denied a promotion or employment... pulled over for driving in the wrong neighborhood... murdered by a cop... seated in the back of the bus... been bullied to the point where you commit suicide.[Celt]

But, I HAVE BEEN segregated and denied promotion, employment & university admission for belonging to the wrong race & gender due to federally-mandated Pro-Diversity Hiring Quotas.

As far as the rest of the above list goes, I haven't been lynched, Jim Crowed, redlined, murdered by cop or committed suicide and NEITHER HAVE ANY OF YOU, nor have either you & I ever committed the crime of slavery or been recently enslaved by any long dead Egyptian pharaohs.

You're insane if you imagine that bad things only affect minorities, as evidenced by numerically more US whites being 'murdered by cops' (and/or dying by suicide) every year than every other minority victim combined.

As quoted above, Celt's antiracist rant is a work of pure Fantasy, Fiction & Delusion, as he engages in Blood Libel by accusing the living white majority of crimes that they have never ever committed.

It is this is very type of RACIST defamatory bullshit that we've come to expect from aggressive lefty conmen who put capable people-of-colour in the same category as disabled incompetents & retards.


Celt said...

Oh you poor straight white Christian male. You've suffered enough.

Lloyd Flack said...

It's like asking Canadians to justify the existence of their country. Attempting to do that is conceding that Trump has a point when he does not on that issue.

Tony Fisk said...

I'm pretty sure more white people than others are shot by police...
Since conservatives always quote raw numbers rather than % of population when citing rising crime rates, I think it valid to 'argue the percentages' here as well.
(I don't know the figures.)

matthew said...

Black Americans are 3X more likely to be killed by police than white ones.

Larry Hart said...

I like to think that CB can regain its former status as a place where people with different perspectives can come and chat.

I haven't seen it otherwise. Again, you seem to perceive myself, matthew, Alfred Differ, and scidata (to name four) as being in lockstep like some sort of hive mind. It just isn't so.

I'll play one of your favorite games, though. The "Can we of differing sensibilities all agree that this one thing is so egregious that we all condemn it? Or are we just going to be partisan there too?" game. As I recall, you once said you didn't tolerate stupidity in the military. So does Pete Hegseth deserve to be fired for chatting about military plans on non-secured personal phones over a commercial app?

locumranch said...

Celt pretends to be the great defender of the 'Equality' ideal, but his subsequent mockery of "straight white Christian males" only proves that he is a hater extraordinaire whose idea of equality is 'anti-straight', 'anti-white', 'anti-christian' and 'anti-male'.

In 2024, US Police shot 1173 people to death during the performance of their duties, 385 were identified as white and 248 were identified as black:

But, Matthew seems to have a valid point, as Black Americans are 3X more likely to be killed by police than white ones, yet it's rendered mostly irrelevant as blacks also commit violent crimes with weapons at nearly 4X the rate that whites do, once the raw numbers are converted to reflex race-based percentage of the total US population.

Again, I give you FBI Table 43, as published the 'Unquestionable Patriots' at the FBI in 2019:

Try taking a gander at '' which records stats on Chicago IL (aka 'THE Murder Capital of the USA') if only to realize that local blacks are involved in gun-related shooting at nearly 12X the rate of local whites.

The above links reflect the current SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS and, as always, you commie/pinko/leftist punters are NOT entitled to your own facts.


Larry Hart said...

Black Americans are 3X more likely to be killed by police than white ones.

Yes, but Tac cleverly said "shot by police", not "killed by police."

Larry Hart said...

Ok, there's this.

My fear is that we force Beerbong Hegseth to resign...

...and end up with someone worse.

The only legitimate story reason I ever heard Batman give for not daring to kill The Joker. He was afraid that someone worse would come along.

Lloyd Flack said...

The in story main reason is that Batman is afraid that if he crossed that line he could not stop killing. It's a weakness that he sees himself as having that most people do not.

Paradoctor said...

It's time to mention the latest Trumpian fiasco: their OPSEC incompetence.

Hegseth said that nobody texted top-secret war plans to a journalist.
Hegseth texted top-secret war plans to a journalist.
Therefore, according to Hegseth, Hegseth is nobody.

David Brin said...

Tacitus you are always welcome here. But your relentless efforts to come up with narratives about some kind of "left" that in any way correlates with the absolutely uniform and toxic volcano of madness, evil and treason that permeates and typifies the US right is starting to get pathetic.

THIS is why I demand wagers. Because some day a fellow like you will finally reach a redline. And a pre-agreed wager DOES count as a red line where the loser (and in all ways in all times it will be any Republican) can no longer waffle and change the subject.

Even the 10% of people in the Democratic coalition who ARE toxically insane sanctimony junkies are nowhere near as insane or fact-hating as your entire party has become, top to bottom and without noteworthy exception. The other 90% of Democrats bear no resemblance to the carricatures that you cling to and suckle from the Fox teat.

The fact that NO Republican official has shown the slightest guts, so far, is one aspect to this that I never expected. I truly expected some to have redlines, like their party utterly and slavishly helping to rebuild the Soviet Evil Empire.

Blavkmail MUST be a major element to such monstrous craven hypocrisy and betrayal. But even though I tout that explanation, I am finding it hard to envision that it is SO pervasive as to explain this monstrous cancer.

Der Oger said...

"But her E-mails!!!11Eleven!!"

Paradoctor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paradoctor said...

But their Signal!

Der Oger said...

"But even though I tout that explanation, I am finding it hard to envision that it is SO pervasive as to explain this monstrous cancer."

This is what decades of anti-social propaganda, nationalism, erosion of democratic values and divisive lies do.

Tony Fisk said...

The Doctor once had the opportunity to do away with the Daleks once and for all.* Had a similar 'I must, but I cannot'** moment. The moral argument had something to do with the good that came from disparate races uniting against a common foe.

'Franchise' was not mentioned.

* 'Genesis of the Daleks' with Tom Baker. Also first appearance of Davros.
** Robot Monster: IYKYK

Der Oger said...

Or, to phrase it differently: It wasn't Trump or Hitler seducing the people, it was the people inviting them for dinner, with many saying that they themselves would be the main course.

Der Oger said...

@Larry: Yes. They could fill the position with someone less inept, more accepted by the gold stars.

Sounds weird, but their utter incompetence is what could actually save you (and us, maybe).

Tim H. said...

An interesting feature of the current "conservative" administration is how policy is not filtered by professional politicians, as in previous administrations, it represents an unadulterated vision of how "conservative" think tanks believe the world should run. "Fred's burst prophylactic" is allowing their thought to collide with real life, an experience they're not adequately prepared for. I suspect we're not adequately prepared for how bumpy the ride will get.

Larry Hart said...

Batman is afraid that if he crossed that line he could not stop killing.

I don't buy it. The police sniper who takes down an active shooter isn't "as bad" as the shooter, nor will he inevitable become a mass killer himself.

Darrell E said...

Der Oger said...
""But even though I tout that explanation, I am finding it hard to envision that it is SO pervasive as to explain this monstrous cancer. [David Brin]"

This is what decades of anti-social propaganda, nationalism, erosion of democratic values and divisive lies do."

Yes, I agree. I think there are just two issues that have caused this. And they are related.

1) News journalism in the US has abandoned its mandate, progressively over the past 30+ years. The reason the press is given such strong protections in our constitution is that if the government is supposed to be "by the people, for the people" then the people need to be well informed. When I was a kid the idea that the press had a sacred duty to keep the public accurately informed about important matters was a given and something that news journalists took very seriously. This changed drastically over the past 30 years. Now even the major, legacy news outlets make news rather than report it. This change started happening almost immediately after the Fairness Doctrine was abolished, though that was just another symptom and not the cause.

2) The deliberate adoption of The Big Lie by the Republican Party as a primary tactic to win elections / gain power. This tactic was formally adopted by Karl Rove. The amazing thing is that this was not secret. He said it out loud, including what the intent was. And it was aimed primarily at their own constituents, not their enemy's. Now we see the fruit it has born. Many people, and not just on the right, are seriously detached from reality to one degree or another. They live in a world of delusion. They believe obvious lies about events that happened even just days ago. To me it is just fucking nuts. Of course we've seen it before in human history. Even recently, in my grandfathers' time.

Garbage In, Garbage Out

reason said...

What has happened in the United States now, has made one thing that may have escaped me clear. What happened to all those D students who I left behind when I left my year 10 school and went on to matriculation and university? You sort of forget how dumb they were.

Tacitus said...

Larry, someone deserves to be fired regards the latest Signal stuff. Any objections to waiting a few days to be sure it is the right person? I was not being clever in the distinction between being shot by police and killed by them. In either case it happens, on a percentage basis, more often for blacks than for those of other ethnicities. This is obvious although as mentioned by others, the reasons for it are open to discussion.

David, we've been round and round with the wagers thing. For years in fact. I've said many a time that you are not running an honest game with them, just waving a rhetorical cudgel about in the air. I've actually proposed a few times that the Elder Sages here - like LarryHart for instance - would be an interesting panel of judges.

Well, I'm off to the real world for a bit.


Larry Hart said...

someone deserves to be fired regards the latest Signal stuff. Any objections to waiting a few days to be sure it is the right person?

Neither of us is all that into Dr Brin's wager thing, but just to make a point, I'd be willing to bet actual money that the right person(s) will not be the scapegoats officially blamed for this.

You seem to be coming from a place that my late father would have done--believing whatever the official account is because not doing so would be unthinkable. Me, I can't ignore my lying eyes.

In either case it happens, on a percentage basis, more often for blacks than for those of other ethnicities. This is obvious although as mentioned by others,

Ok, then. I was under the impression that you were trying to make the opposite point when you said:
I'm pretty sure more white people than others are shot by police, and for the usual mix of valid, dubious and just wrong reasons. Of course you can argue percentages.

The latter sentence seemed to be subordinate.

David Brin said...

"This is what decades of anti-social propaganda, nationalism, erosion of democratic values and divisive lies do"... and yet Der Oger sniffs disdain that we might have to learn and use fresh polemical tactics. Do you see the contradiction?

Anyway, that CANNOT explain the craven treason of the entire Republican political caste... those in Congress and Courts. Blackmail can.

Tim: "An interesting feature of the current "conservative" administration is how policy is not filtered by professional politicians, as in previous administrations, it represents an unadulterated vision of how "conservative" think tanks believe the world should run."

Only marginally so. Trump is operating entirely on three bases: Vengeance mode plus obeisance to Moscow and Riyadh (hence the Houthis) and what will make me the most famous person of all time. But above all vengeance.

reason: the bullies from middle school are desperate to nipple twist the nerdy fact kids again. That is (IMHO) behind at least 20% of MAGA.

Tacitus: Recall how desperate you guys were to find ANYTHING to pin on the uitterly professional and prim H Clinton and her team? She used her own computer for some emails (never secret ones)??? HORRORS. Benghazi was a rogue operation by 4 heroic idiots who went far far beyond help, yet you guys screeched about it for three years straight! The lies about John Kerry by Swift Boaters who were never there. (The ones who were there all called him a hero...)

And claiming the 'Tea Party" was against bureaucrats instead of kings and lords and monopolists and inheritance brats...

Sir... WHERE ARE YOUR RED LINES? Half of the people on that Signal Chat are Russian agents! THAT should be the news, not whether they made a mistake cc'ing a journalist.

David Brin said...

"Well, I'm off to the real world for a bit." Not a bit of it sir. Ignoring all the red lines means you wander about in a pink cloud of fantasy land. And after they have come for the rest of us, they will come for you. But enjoy the cloud.

scidata said...

OGH is in full gatling mode. I'm glad I didn't mention WJCC or FORTH :)

Larry Hart said...

Dr Brin:

the bullies from middle school are desperate to nipple twist the nerdy fact kids again.

Except that doesn't explain the Musk-rat Love.

Paradoctor said...

I am not in principle against a Truth Commission for the Russia-Ukraine war, but I am concerned about the logistics of it, and I am skeptical that it will ever come to pass before Russia's defeat.

I have similar doubts about Brin's wagers. The idea has emotive appeal, and I see that Brin has put thought into the logistics, and I even agree that you can make rhetorical hay out of the betee's craven withdrawal.

So... PUT IT INTO EFFECT! _Do_ it! See if it works!

You can start right now by putting up a website describing the wager logistics, the wagers, names of referees, escrow holders, and betees. Hold a press conference announcing the website. Then publicly confront the betees, and quote their craven withdrawals.

I propose this title for the website: "Wanna BET?!"

And if you have the good fortune to be in the room when betee withdraws, why I recommend that you rudely shout out, "Coward! Chicken! Buck-buck-buck-BUCKAWW!"

This whole scheme may fail to have the intended political effect, but it'll certainly be _fun._

Lloyd Flack said...

One of the big problems is how to do the confrontation. I think far too few people will see it for it to be effective in most cases
And then are the wagers for things said at meetings, for things said in private conversations or for things said online. The same approach is unlikely to work for all. I have been mostly thinking about things said online because that is what I and I think most of us are most likely to run into, And it is one where wagers are unlikely to work.
And then there is the question of who the audience who you are trying to show them up in front of is. The audience will be different in all of the cases that I mentioned and the approach required in order to influence that audience will be different. Again an online audience can be especially difficult to influence for several reasons.

Unknown said...

Batman is self appointed. There's no one to say, "stop killing people." Also he's a guy who dresses as a giant bat and probably is aware he has a few mental issues

Larry Hart said...

Batman is...aware he has a few mental issues

I began watching the Adam West tv show when I was six, so it doesn't strike me as strange as it should to contemplate people with names like Joker and Penguin*. Therefore, I'm not the best to judge these things.:)

* I'm aware that the comics versions of most of the supervillains actually have real names, but the versions on that show almost never did. For some reason I still don't know, they made a point of mentioning that the Mad Hatter was named Jervis Tetch, but that was a rare exception.

Larry Hart said...

Also, the made-up-for-the=tv-show character, the Queen of Diamonds was named Marsha, just so they could do a "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!" gag. Not being a fan of the Brady Bunch, I didn't get that until very recently.

David Brin said...

Alas, it seems no one ever ever grasps the basic import of the wager challenge. Again and again. It is a way to prevent the raving cultist from CHANGING THE SUBJECT, when it looks like facts are about to demolish an assertion. And, when they refuse to bet, you can still come BACK to the same wager demand when the same assertion comes up. WHile making it clear that they KEEP yammering it over and over and you have kept on demanding explicit parsing of the assertion and stakes and truly acceptable arbiters.

It tears away at them, it undermines them. It enables you to chase them down and corner them. And while it does result... rarely but it has happened(!) ... in some conversions away from the cult. It far more often results in the fanatic either becoming a relentless masturbation howler, like locumranch*...

...or else aomeone like poor Tacitus, who always makes it about how discourteous it is to demand accountability for repeated utterly disproved party lines.

*And yes, except for Utah, most red states have vastly vastly worse records re education, tax parasitism and every single moral turpitude. And our idiot Dem leaders simply cannot conceive of that as a point to be made.