Friday, December 20, 2024

Space Roundup : heading into 2025

We haven't stopped moving ahead. Nor will we.  And hence, with the aim of ending a tumultuous year on a high note... very high... here's my roundup of recent space science news - and upcoming missions... and so on...

== Lots of stuff out there! ==

Asteroid 5748DaveBrin
First, here's Asteroid 5748DaveBrin, kindly named by discoverer Eleanor "Glo" Helin, back in the 20th Century. Since then, many thousands more have been tracked, but so many more must be, in order to ensure our safety (from dinosaur-killers or city-smashers) and to assay future wealth! 

 See the montage of images of my rock!

In an era of Big Government and Big Commercial Science, the B612* Foundation has a special niche, software-mining massive old datasets, and thusly finding and cataloguing more rocks out there than anyone!  Consider B612 for your list of save the world donations! (*I am on the B612 advisory council.)

(If this is your season for general philanthropy or giving, or investing in a better tomorrow, here's my annual appeal that you consider the win-win-win of Proxy Activism! And again, do include potentially world-saving B612!)

But sure, the Big Guys will also help. 

In fact, there are high hopes and expectations for the Vera Rubin (formerly Large Synoptic Survey) Telescope opening in Chile, next year. It will scan the sky in vast sweeps, comparing images from night to night, for transients and changes, discovering far more supernovas and novas, for example...

... but also possibly millions of previously undetected asteroids. See this chart provided by the Asteroid Institute and B612. Together, we are finding thousands of objects and appraising their potential to endanger our planet. Or else to make our children rich.

Even before the Vera Rubin scope commences to tally many new objects in the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune, some surprises are already emerging about that cold, dark region (of which Pluto is a part.)   Astronomers have just found hints of an unexpected rise in the density of Kuiper Belt objects or KBOs, between 70 and 90 AU from the Sun. In the region between 55 and 70 AU, however, next to nothing has been found.

== So, who should do the exploring, out there? ==

  Well, if you are talking about just exploring – poking at new places and doing science – then robotics wins, hands-down. 

Sorry but machines are better for poking at the edges. That’s what NASA/Japan and Europe should do with respect to the Moon, instead of silly footprint stunts. For 5% of the cost of “Artemis” we could robotically seek and verify, or else (more likely) refute those tall tales of ‘lunar resources.’

But there’s another mission for astronauts – plus tourists and researchers – in space. And that is studying how humans can learn to actually live and work out there

For the near term, that’ll entail a lot of work in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), where issues of supply, recycling and radiation safety are easier to control. And above all, we should (must!) finally build spinning facilities that can tell us (at long last) what gravity conditions humans need, in order to survive and stay healthy. 

Over 60 years since Gagarin, we still haven't a clue how to answer that simple question! It’s the fascinating topic that Joseph Carroll elucidates in "What do we need astronauts for?" published in in Space Review.  

He follows that up with a more detailed article, "How to test artificial gravity" - about near term missions to experiment with spinning artificial gravity (SAG), starting with a simple test using just a Crew Dragon and the upper Falcon stage that launched it. Then moving on to a highly plausible path toward making space a vastly more welcoming place. 

== Looking ahead.... Future Space Missions ==

Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin plans to skip from the tiny-but-self-landing New Shepherd, leaping way past sturdy-reliable self-landing Falcon9 and triple self-landing Falcon Heavy, all the way to landing sub-Starship New Glenn on a barge. Or so they say. I guess we'll see - maybe soon.

Rocket Lab’s twin probes to study aurorae and the atmosphere of Mars were made super-inexpensively. They’ll head out there soon (NOT cheaply) on the New Glenn heavy. 

Among many terrific initiatives seed-funded by NIAC (where I was an advisor for a decade), one getting attention in the New Yorker is the Farview radio telescope to be set up on the Moon’s far side. Though the article made an error in the name; it’s NASA’s Innovative & Advanced Concepts program – (NIAC). But yeah, look at the range of incredible, just-short-of-science-fiction concepts! 

One of my favorite NIAC concepts of the last few years was the Linares Statite, that would hover on sunlight, way out at the asteroid belt, ready to fold its wings and dive like a peregrine falcon past the sun to catch up with almost anything, such as another 'Oumuamua interstellar visitor. Slava Turyshev's Project Sundiver has shown that you get a lot of speed if you plummet to graze just past Sol, then snap open your lightsail at nearest passage. In fact it is the best way to streak to the Kuiper Belt. And beyond!

That's just one of many potential uses of lightsails that are described - via both stories and nonfiction - in the 21st Century edition of Project Solar Sail! Revised and updated, then edited by me and Stephen W. Potts, this great new version will be featured by the Planetary Society next month!


Beautiful images of the hot place. The ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission has successfully completed its fourth of six gravity assist flybys at Mercury, capturing images of two special impact craters as it uses the little planet’s gravity to steer itself on course to enter orbit around Mercury in November 2026.

And an Ai piloted F-16 (with human observers) outperformed regularly piloted F-16s in tests including 'dogfights.'

My friend and former NIAC colleague-physicist John Cramer (who just turned 90; happy birthday John!) two decades ago used data from NASA’s WMAP survey to produce "The Sound of the Big Bang.”  … A recent topic of Brewster Rockit!

And yeah, may you and yours... and all of us... manage to persevere... and yes thrive(!) through "interesting times."  

And may we meet and party hearty eventually... out there.


Boothby171 said...

Congratulations on your rock (though that's old news).

I hope I get to live long enough to see a successful SAG project in orbit! I've been fascinated by that concept for as long as I can remember!

scidata said...

Re: B612 Foundation
(if the link in the topic doesn't work)

Now that's taking responsibility for our future. Ten years ago, I was running a fairly competitive Citizen Science team that searched for pulsars, did protein folding, crunched Gravitation Wave data and the like. Fun times. The pride and excitement of participants, especially red staters for some reason, was bigly gratifying.

Things changed, both technologically and politically. Not such fun times now. The Dark Side is easier and quicker, but not stronger.

The scientific spirit is the birthright of every sapiens.
ad astra and Calculemus!

Alan Brooks said...

Universe as hologram?:

GMT -5 (Hugh) said...

Let me toss this hot potato into the stew before I relax and reread the FOUNDATION series by Asimov and others (including our wonderful host).

The Apple+ series FOUNDATION is a waste of resources. Mae and I stopped watching mid-way through season 2. I read the spoilers in Wikipedia and watched parts of the final episodes. Why didn't they just use the stories "Uncle" Isaac wrote?

I was looking forward to a shutdown (since furloughed employees always get paid for the time off eventually). My supervisor called me late on Friday saying he hates making calls like this. I thought I was in trouble. No, just guidance on what to do. I set an away message on my IRS email address and made a special voice mail message. I found guidance for all my co-workers on what to say and write. So I take credit for stopping the shutdown. ;-)

I am typing this on my phone so I apologize for any twisted and evil spelling. I wish everyone of you a happy and joyful holiday season.

Now we are going to watch A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS. If only we could find a decent Chanukah movie.

Larry Hart said...

I set an away message on my IRS email address and made a special voice mail message. I found guidance for all my co-workers on what to say and write. So I take credit for stopping the shutdown. ;-)

That's in line with the way I live my life. Convince the universe I'd prefer a shutdown, so then it doesn't happen. That'll show me.

Why didn't they just use the stories "Uncle" Isaac wrote?

We're a minority here on this list, but I would have preferred that as well.

If only we could find a decent Chanukah movie.

I tried to think of one and came up empty as well. The closest I could come was Masada, which isn't quite what you have in mind.

The Old Testament would seem to be rife with good movie plots. You'd think the Chanukah and Purim stories would work well on the big screen, and yet I can't think of any such movies. Only Samson and Delilah and The Ten Commandments seem to have broken through.

Unknown said...

"A group of high-level managers at the Louisiana Department of Health walked into a Nov. 14 meeting in Baton Rouge expecting to talk about outreach and community events.

Instead, they were told by an assistant secretary in the department and another official that department leadership had a new policy: Advertising or otherwise promoting the COVID, influenza or mpox vaccines, an established practice there — and at most other public health entities in the U.S. — must stop." (note - this is to be an unwritten policy!)

Jesus Homoousios Christ. Not sure we're going to make it out of the Solar System.


Tony Fisk said...

merry Christmas, Hugh, although you have now got me wondering how the Peanuts gang would handle the Foundation series ...

Larry Hart said...

"A group of high-level managers at the Louisiana Department of Health walked into a Nov. 14 meeting in Baton Rouge...

I thought that was going to be the start of a joke. Although I guess in a way, it was.

Celt said...

A charlie brown Xmas is one of the top five jazz albums of all time.

Recommend a really funny video with live actors doing the dances that the kids do on stage.

Bonus points to any who can name all of peanuts characters dancing.

Celt said...

Pandemics weed out those too stupid to get vaccinated.

Consider it to be evolution working in real time.

GMT -5 (Hugh) said...

Best man at my wedding (well, at both of them...married Mae twice - civil ceremony then a religious one 14 months later) plays amazing piano and plays a marvelous Vince Guaraldi impression. We are going up to Detroit to see them next week.

MASADA is a great mini-series. I love the Jerry Goldsmith/Mort Stevens score. Don't know how well the Maccabee story would play today - religious extremists make war on European colonists and win. But we had God on our side...and we made that lamp burn for 8 days.

OMG...imagine the FOUNDATION TV series with the Peanuts characters replacing the current cast. Lucy as Demerzel. Charlie Brown as Day. Snoopy as Dawn (or should he be Dusk).

Larry Hart said...

Hmmm, I wonder how much this had to do with anything:

Ms. Jean-Pierre warned before the House’s Friday night vote that Mr. Trump’s own transition and inauguration could suffer in the event of a shutdown.

“I don’t want to get too much into hypotheticals, but this is the reality — transition activities will be restricted,” she warned. “With limited exceptions obviously, such as prevent imminent threats to the safety of human life or the protection of property.”

Alan Brooks said...

I know you’re familiar with this sort of thing, but laymen visit CB, and one might read it.

Alan Brooks said...

This is my favorite Christmas scene:

Larry Hart said...

Ahhh, the Phineas and Ferb Christmas special demonstrates a scheme to rival my coping plan of hypnotizing myself back to 1977.

Pretending to wake up and saying, "So, it was all a dream!"

David Brin said...

Rugrats had some Channukah videos. Also (I think) South Park.

David Brin said...

My weekly posting of chapters of THE ANCIENT ONES - my punny Sci Fi comedy crossover of Star Trek with vampires n' werewolves n' zombies(!) - continues with Part 4!

Larry Hart said...


Don't know how well the Maccabee story would play today - religious extremists make war on European colonists and win.

Well, the birth of a Palestinian religious leader who defied European colonists seems to play pretty well this tine of year,

But we had God on our side...and we made that lamp burn for 8 days.

It's become a running gag at my house that, for example, a gallon of milk that's still good way past its stamped expiration date is a "Chanukah gallon".

Of course, I lived my own Chanukah miracle last summer, driving down to the University of Illinois campus to help my daughter move. We usually lose the station that plays Stephanie Miller's radio show about an hour out of Chicago, but that trip, we were able to hear the entire three hours, all the way to Champaign.

GMT-5 said...

My wife used to make cassette recordings of Prairie Home Companion back in the days of old. She found one old tape that had the original performance of the song HANUKKAH IN SANTA MONICA. It was so funny and the audience reaction was so great that Garrison Keillor had the artist perform it a second time.

Back in 2021 we were in the LA area right after Thanksgiving and we thought about stopping by Santa Monica for the first night of Hanukkah. Such fun.

When we were on St. Thomas from 2015 to 2018 we got very friendly with Chabad of St. Thomas. We had wonderful Hanukkah experiences with them. They would send volunteers down to Main Street and give out Hanukkah Menorahs to Jewish cruise ship passengers with just a simple request that they light them up at dinner. The menorahs were always happily received and many a cruise ship had holiday lights at their dining room tables.

Unknown said...

Heinlein's "Book of Job" would make an interesting movie, but would producers go for the nudity, sex, lack of violence, a Heaven that Twain would be proud of, implicit and explicit rebukes of fundamentalism? well, never mind...the Marvel 'verse has pretty well introduced moviegoers to the concept of a multiverse, though.

If I had my druthers, though, we need an Amber miniseries with all the CGI Stephen Colbert can get funding for....


Der Oger said...

And may we meet and party hearty eventually... out there.
The Ogre must finish the second Earthseed book (should be turned into a TV series) ... must read more CULTURE books ...

Der Oger said...

Well, the birth of a Palestinian religious leader who defied European colonists seems to play pretty well this tine of year
One has to consider that, in the end, he defeated the Empire from within, his followers becoming emperors and destroying the religious tolerance that helped keeping it together.

Larry Hart said...

I'm not sure why, but on line, I keep running into people who throw out casual references to personal connections with famous people.

Back on the old Cerebus list, one of the regular participants had been at the gathering of the American Atheists Society (or whatever it's really called) at which Kurt Vonnegut said of Isaac Asimov, "Isaac is in heaven now," and (purportedly) brought down the house with that line.

(The same guy also had in his possession the original artwork for the never-published Swamp Thing #88. Since most of you won't know what that is, a time-traveling Swamp Thing meets Jesus, but DC Comics balked at publication)

Unknown said...

"...must read more CULTURE books...'

A worthwhile endeavor.


scidata said...

Re: CULTURE books
As my dad's dad used to say, "Eh et's nay Sco'esh, et's crrrap."

Larry Hart said...

Hey, if Elon Musk's DOGE committee wants to take a stab at deregulation, he could start by getting rid of the FAA regulation requiring a crying baby on every flight. I wouldn't object.

Alan Brooks said...

We could offer that if Musk gets us to Mars, we will place his likeness on Mt. Rushmore—even though he isn’t potus. (Not quite yet, at any rate.)

Unknown said...

Re: orbital habitats, I made models of O'Neill cylinders when I was but a youth, but I always wondered who would be paying for the parklike living conditions depicted. I suspect orbital 'colonies', if any, will be corporate and conditions on them cramped and dangerous, with a space premium resembling that of a U-boat*. Unless a new space race occurs.

*with as much work as possible done by remotes/drones teleoperated from Earth by denizens of Mumbai. As we all know, it's easier to keep a hunk of tin operational than a canned ape.


duncan cairncross said...

Pappenheimer - that would only be a problem if the inhabitants of the O'Neill cylinders were not also the owners!
As we all become richer such things may well become probable

Der Oger said...

I challenge that assumption. I rather believe we move towards a society as depicted in The Expanse, with a few trillionaires at the top and billions of poor, unemployed people in Basic.

And that is one of the better scenarios.

I wonder If making life in Earth hellish is actual part of the plan to get us into space.

scidata said...

plan to get us into space
Like the old joke about why the British Empire happened - because they were searching for some decent food.

GMT -5 (Hugh) said...

I have a connection with Isaac Asimov. At CONSTELLATION, the 1983 World Science Fiction Convention in Baltimore, I saw Asimov several times and he always seemed to have a group of attractive young women around him. I was a poor law student at that time and could not afford to go to the banquet dinner. I was walking by the door to the dinner and I saw Asimov exit along with his wife. He had a few people around him. I came up to his wife Janet and said something along the lines of, "All this convention, these pretty young women have been ogling your husband. Consider yourself ogled." She smiled widely. Asimov laughed and kept repeating, "It's only fair, it's only fair."

I was a pretty good looking kid of 23 at the time. The Washington Post described me as "a handsome, well-groomed young man in a business suit...."

My other great celebrity stories involve sitting down for drinks with Gene Roddenberry and a few of his friends in a hotel room in Columbus, Ohio in November of 1979...and having coffee with Morgan Freeman at the Frenchtown Cafe on St. Thomas in 1996.

Larry Hart said...

...Then, as a gift from above, you responded to E.D. in Saddle Brook with a play on Prince Humperdinck's line from Princess Bride, "I always think everything could be a trap, which is why I'm still alive."

Alfred Differ said...

Subs are cramped because they are war machines that have to slip through the water with little sound… and then kill people and hardware.

Spacecraft have different design requirements that are often compatible with inflatables.

Der Oger said...

The thing I do not understand - how are we supposed to deal with radiation up there? Specialized hull tiles? Magnetic Field Generators? Mystic Energy Fields? It interferes with human biology as well as complex electronics (shuddering thought: What will it do to AI-driven spacecraft and drones?) and I have heard of no major project tackling this problem. (If there is one, I would like to hear about it.) Mars might work, but Jupiters moons? We get fried there.

scidata said...

The biggest magnetic field generators I've worked on are MRI machines. They can use up to 100kW for an intense scan, and that's only half the story - cooling isn't cheap either. They're also crazy heavy (although I've never lifted one). It's also one of the things that planets give you that moons, space rocks, and space stations don't - a magnetic field.

I once turned an old TV into a Lissajous music display, and I had to crank the audio amplifier right up to see the patterns. Big TV tubes themselves were power-sucking, dangerous vacuum beasts. Funny to think that most households had at least one that the family would gather around. And of course, old SciFi films had ships that had a dozen or more (eg 2001).

GMT-5 said...

Radiation levels near Io are insane. I loved it in THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE when the characters discussed having their ships dive into the atmosphere of a gas giant to refuel. Maybe the radiation levels are less intense around the other gas giants.

David Brin said...

This again? And Panama & Canada & spite toward NATO &Japan.... Few recall the 'neoconservatives' who got us into Afghanistan & Iraq, declaring "Now we are an empire." Soon replaced and dumpstered as the inherent confederate bipolar condition swung to old-fashioned GOP "America first" isolationism, punctuated by Trumpian grandiosity fits like 'buying Greenland and getting onto Mt. Rushmore. A manic-depressive cycle that goes back 240 years and that no one will talk about.

Now? Annex CANADA! Panama! Greenland!Okinawa! The Philippines! All the while attacking the milirary officer corps at Putin's behest.

I know several MAGA supporters having buyer's remorse, as they see the long list of Don's appointees, just ONE of whom has ANY qualifications for office other than "Won't THIS squeeze out more lib'rul moans n' tears? Caligula appointed his horse consul of Rome. Trump's whole herd of mad geldings can bring America down faster than Rome fell. And I hear several high goppers murmuring "Hey, that's where I keep my best stuff!"

... or else "My Patagonia prepper palace/bunker isn't ready yet!"

Sorry guys. Like 1932, you thought "We can control them." And we know the locale and schematics of every bunker.

Oh, PS I know how Trump could 'get Greenland.' but I'm not telling.

Hellerstein said...

Ten meters of polyethylene? And/or water?
This reminds me of Cordwainer Smith's "Scanners Live In Vain", where the Instrumentality discovers that a hull layer of mollusks can shield out the pain of space.

Hellerstein said...

Re knowing where the bunkers are:
The formidable Leslie Fish strikes again.

Tony Fisk said...

It occurred to me that annexing Central America would solve the immigrant problem, but I guess I'm not thinking about this in the right way.

A song for buyer's remorse.

Alan Brooks said...

Not we. Not humans as we know Human—it’d be augmented humans.

Alan Brooks said...

Trump throws out a great deal of malarkey, partly to draw our attention away from his actions.

Der Oger said...

Invading Greenland, and thereby invading Denmark, would technically mean that we would be at war with the US in the same moment (article 42.7 of the EU unification treaty). Bad if you already have 40.000 soldiers in your country.

David Brin said...

Der Oger, my ONLY problem with THE EXPANSE is the absurd premise that human females could produce, in just 200 years, enough new humans to be poor in a future of robotic asteroid mines & factories. But it taught SoA messages and made for good tension.

Larry Hart said...

Der Oger:

I wonder If making life in Earth hellish is actual part of the plan to get us into space.

If so, it's a stupid plan. Eight billion humans are not going to move off-planet. Getting "us" into space won't solve any problems for 99.9% of individuals who still live here.

Alan Brooks said...

Do we solve problems, or move them from place to place? (A cop told me that crime is not diminishing, criminals change their enterprises, MO, and locations.)
Any way you look at it, the future doesn’t need us.

David Brin said...

Um... when the plant spews forth its seeds, the flower dies. Fairness ain't involved, in that case.

Der Oger said...

Well, since some forces work hard to push us back into a dark age (which would also come with a higher birth rate), that might be a possibility. But then again, even Iran has a birth rate approaching that of Europe.

Larry Hart said...

when the plant spews forth its seeds, the flower dies.

I just meant that making life miserable on earth isn't going to work as a means to encourage populations to invest in space travel when most of them will not be the ones fleeing.

Der Oger said...

in their perception, we aren't entitled to have a say in the survival of the human species, only they in their high towers have the faresightedness and distance and willpower to make the decisions necessary (a bit like the Wallfacers in the Dark Forest trilogy). That position itself might lead quickly to stupid ideas (exacerberated by a narcisstic personality disorder and the frequent use of certain substances, as well as the absence of societal limits.)
Some of these "accelerationists" have, in the past, stated that they would not mind if a few billions of us would go, and some others point out that complaciency (like, in a society where everyone is sheltered and fed) hinders progress, whereas suffering and misery accelerates it.

After all, these people think in long terms, and they have already written of most of us. (Except themselves, of course, the "saviours of humanity").

As a twist to these thoughts/storyline: Maybe, as people with direct access to top secret government facilities, they are privy to secrets that would justify such a behaviour?

Tony Fisk said...

Making life hell on earth may be part of the plan to get *them* into space... although it may only be partly successful.

Since Earth is the only place we can live rent-free, it's a pretty nummish* idea although, come to think of it, there are quite a few stories about it...

(Yes, David, I have read your version of a plant spewing forth its seeds)

* 'negative sum': a term I coined when playing a foresight game many moons ago. Also 'zummish', and 'possum'. You are welcome.

Alan Brooks said...

(addressed to LH)

Der Oger said...

I just meant that making life miserable on earth isn't going to work as a means to encourage populations to invest in space travel when most of them will not be the ones fleeing.

Wealth disparities are starting to become extreme. And while Mr. Mangione at least for a moment has shown them that there could be other outcomes, the current development in AI technologies (all owned by billionaires, except those owned by the CCP) will exponentially increase that gap. In, maybe 50 years from now, people who worked themselves out of the growing slums and the associated misery to be one of the few actually been considered for off-world colonization might be thankful for given the chance to leave a world with a failing ecosystem and ever-increasing oppression. And thanks to the choices the remaining engineers, technicians and scientists have - none - they will gladly work themselves to death for what little bread crumbs their trillionaire masters will leave for them. You can always go back to the slums.
(I am not sure that this plan could work. I am just spinning a dystopian yarn here.)

Der Oger said...

Somehow, the YT algo must have listened into the conversation above ... here, the reading of Kurt Vonneguts Letter to the people of 2088, read by Benedict Cumberbatch:

Larry Hart said...

After all, these people think in long terms,

But not quite long enough. None of them are going to survive the heat death of the universe. So as young Alvy Singer put it, "What's the point?"

(In the Marvel universe, at least back when I was reading it, Galactus was a being from the previous universe who survived its collapse and into our new one. To be truly long-term planners, the Musk-ovites should be aiming for that sort of status.)

duncan cairncross said...

While wealth disparity is at a high level the wealth of the "lower levels" is still astonishingly high by historical standards
Which gives the "lower levels" a large degree of latent power -

If we approach a system like The Expanse with huge numbers of very poor people enough of them will make use of today's technology to shorten the lives of their rulers.

As far as radiation in space is concerned I see a large enough O'Neil cylinder with a non spinning disc shielding it from the Sun

Larry Hart said...

You're asking me?

I'd say the relevant question isn't whether we solve problems, but whether we implement solutions.

Larry Hart said...

"I have shown him that a man without hope is a man without fear."

Alan Brooks said...

First solution to implement involves surviving the next four years.

David Brin said...

Jeepers AB. What uuter crap. But a great excuse for laziness.

Alan Brooks said...

After your prediction of a Dem blowout last month, I’m not interested in your opinions—only your facts.
For anything resembling advice one asks a counselor, not an astrophysicist. So please, from now on give advice to your family and not to me.

Alan Brooks said... ogh, you are owed more detail; first a fact: one cannot be active if one is dead or in bad shape. My health is bad and getting worse, and I can barely scrape together payment for healthcare.
Most of all, your hectoring does not help, has the opposite effect from your intent.

Unknown said...

iirc O'Neill hoped to use lunar rock as radiation shielding for his cylinders. Wouldn't take much of a linear accelerator to put tons into lunar orbit.
I do agree that a human society with inequality exceeding Pharaonic Egypt is one of our some ways it's already here.
In another, world war caused by malicious, thoughtless leaders decimates us nine times.
I don't see the future that the the billionaires of today fear - having their wealth and power stripped from them. Wish I did, but that would turn out like Brin's Helvetian war with a worse ending, and the surviving bunkered aristos winkled out of their shells, often by their own guards*, but not before pushing all the END IT buttons they can. "If we can't have it all, then no-one will."
A transparent concordance of nations is the least likely and most favorable future.

Pappenheimer, looking at history and occasionally pounding his head on his desk.

We damned dirty apes - we could have it all. I think Frank Herbert said that we, as a species, don't have any problems we can't solve - we're just stuck in a stupid game we can't stop playing. Maybe it was Pohl.


*this happens a lot if you read history. I think the Pope is safe with his Swiss, but that's about it.

Unknown said...

Man, I didn't know, not that I could do much if I did know. Keep fighting...rage on.


Alfred Differ said...

Making life hellish doesn't get people to move. History is full of examples of 99.9% of an oppressed population toughing it out.

Der Oger,
how are we supposed to deal with radiation up there?

Depends on where you are up there. Being in a gravity well is very different than transferring between them. These general rules apply, though.

1. Inverse distance squared law is your friend. When you can, stay away from strong sources.
2. Shielding against particle radiation is pretty easy most of the time. Thick shields can be made of the volatiles you need to consume anyway.

For cosmic rays (high energy particle types) weak shields can actually be worse than none since the incoming radiation produces secondary jets.

3. Magnetic fields can deflect charged particle radiation. A weak field and lots of #1 can mitigate the intensity. Multi-layered shields help too.

4. Never forget you face radiation hazards here on Earth too. Your immune system cleans up most of the damage. Works moderately well for low level alpha and beta radiation while you are young. Can't keep up at higher levels and as you get older.

Now consider where you want to try to make a place habitable out there. Is it on the Moon? Mars? An asteroid? Between asteroids? You have those four basic tools to work with to find a working, maintainable solution. You have the resources you need for maintaining your life available.

Now get designing, testing, failing, and trying again. Find a few thousand friends who are interested in the problem and get everyone in on it. Chances are good that partial solutions will be found that can be tried out there. Fortunately, running tests out there is getting cheaper.

Alfred Differ said...

Der Oger, their perception, we aren't entitled to have a say in the survival of the human species, only they in their high towers have the faresightedness and distance and willpower to make the decisions necessary...

That just ain't true. At least over here it isn't. The current push going on here only looks like it cam from the billionaires. It most certainly did NOT. It came from guys like me. WE made it interesting to the billionaires.

The rich guys DO believe in their own farsightedness and willpower, but so did we. We just ran out of money before they did.

Alan Brooks said...

There’s no problem with DB, he wants to hold feet to the fire. But then, he has to expect the same even if it is his own blog. If he’s Contrary Brin, he does have a thick skin.
I’ll hide out for four years, then (unless, in the very unlikely event, Teflon Don gets a third term) will try to do something useful politically.
Anger directed at MAGAs is counterproductive; they draw energy from such negativity. What they dislike is jokes at their expense: if you were to say (not advisable) with a straight face that Matt Gaetz is the quintessential American, they’ll know it’s a jest and it will irritate them more than raising your voice.

Der Oger said...

Thank you!

Der Oger said...

I still have to read that book to learn about how the Helvetian War played out. Switzerland is basically Afghanistan with better weapons, NBC-safe bunker cities, more money, a gun in many homes, and a quite patriotic population.Good luck to anyone attempting to invade and occupy it.

Oh, and the irony is, it is also a better form of democracy, at least for now, and has - unlike the global trend - increased social security a bit (introducing a 13th annual payment this year for retirees).

*this happens a lot if you read history. I think the Pope is safe with his Swiss, but that's about it.

Yes. He has more to fear from the clergy. He has condemned "gossip and backstabbing" in his realm, decrying it as opposed to the gospel.

reason said...

Who is we? And isn't it more important to get us back. We could have a kamakazi mission to Mars anytime we want. But why would we want that.

Der Oger said...

Interesting perspective. Yet, it is well-documented that guys like Thiel and Musk have at least dabbled with long-termism, with the latter putting much energy in getting our species on another planet as soon as possible.

A strong democracy with workplace safety regulations, environmental protection laws, a strong social web (which is not limited to welfare payments), unions and an informed citizenship slows down that process, as do limits to the tax money they can get for their dream.

(Again, this is not my personal opinion, only an exploration of "what could be").

Der Oger said...

Alan, best of wishes for your health and life. Stay strong.

Hiding out for four years might be the wrong strategy. Rather, building networks and other ressources, to ease the pain and control damage. All under the assumption that this will be a long-term battle, saving energy.

Authoritarians and Narcicissts - left and right - have a dire problem with criticism, and doubly so when laced with humor and sarcasm. That is usually how I identify them.

Der Oger said...

Just remembered this piece of satire, it might fit in here:

Tony Fisk said...

Well, enjoy the festive season, and remember: an orbiting rock is not a toy, or a Christmas present, but a 5 billion year commitment.

Larry Hart said...

Der Oger:

...putting much energy in getting our species on another planet as soon as possible.

Beginning the long road to creating and maintaining colonies that can eventually be self-sustaining so that the species can survive a calamity here on earth? I've got no problem with that, and even see it as a good thing (for obvious reasons).

That's a whole different thing from making Earth uninhabitable now so that only sparsely-populated and non-self-sustaining colonies are livable, in the vain hope of forcing us to get on with it. That's what I said is a stupid idea that won't work.

Switzerland is basically Afghanistan with better weapons, NBC-safe bunker cities, more money, a gun in many homes, and a quite patriotic population.

"Is basically" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. :)

Kinda like:

“Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public 'ealth ... what have the Romans ever done for us?"

Larry Hart said...

Half the family is Christian, so I might not be "here" all that often today or tomorrow. Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah as appropriate. Or Merry Christa-chanu-kwanzaa-kah, as Stephanie Miller would have it.

Larry Hart said...

Alan Brooks:

I’ll hide out for four years, (unless, in the very unlikely event, Teflon Don gets a third term)...

With dementia prominent in both my ancestry and my wife's, we unfortunately might end up on the Glavers' path to redemption--retreating into the innocence of senility. It's not the fate I'm rooting for, but it does have its benefits in these times.

Der Oger said...

Ouch, should have been more precise. I meant Afghanistan as a metaphor for the death of empires in a useless war, as a strategic trap, as a campaign that might cost you more than you were willing to pay.

Der Oger said...

Happy Years End Festivities to all of you.

John Viril said...

LH, the best thing u can do to prevent Alzheimer's is regular exercise. Studies indicate that exercise reduces Azheimer's risk by 88%.

scidata said...

I don't drink, except for two sips per year. Cognac on the anniversary of the stroke that tried to kill me, and Scotch on my birthday. This year I may add a sip of JD to salute the finest people on Earth: Americans.
Courage and Optimism

Larry Hart said...

Aw, shucks.

Larry Hart said...

In Robert Harris's novel Fatherland--an alternate history 1964 in which Hitler held onto Europe and the cold war between North America and Greater Germany has been going on for20 years--Nazi Germany has roped western Europe into an alliance. Except Switzerland is still neutral.

In the story, by the time the Nazis had come up with a strategy for taking Switzerland, it just wasn't going to be worth it. And both sides of the cold war benefited from the existence of a neutral country in which to conduct business.

David Brin said...

AB I am saddened that you are experiencing hard times. And I apologize for gruffness toward your apocalyptic-level pessimism.
Though in these exchanges I do not recall giving you any ‘advice.’ And BOY have I seen the phenomenon of others using apocalyptic-level pessimism as an excuse for laziness.
“After your prediction of a Dem blowout last month, I’m not interested in your opinions—only your facts.”
You want facts, not opinions? Like that lower%s of children are starving and vastly more %s are in school around the globe than at any time in the past? Or that 90% of living humans (unlike any other era) have never witnessed war with their own eyes? Or that *IF* AI can be taught to be responsible & friendly, the resulting models of climate, weather, biology, remade organs and lie refutation might yet help make a better age?
I did NOT ‘predict’ a dem blowout. In my rank order of ponderings, that did come in second, after a Dem squeaker and I suggested what-if scenarios. MY OWN to-do list is a lot shorter now, since I’d otherwise be working hard on my “Suggestion List” of quadrennial advice for DP pols who never, ever listen. (And we’d not be in this mess, if they ever had.)
But I wish you well.

Num, Zum and Pum… Not bad Tony. Not great. But not bad. Anyway, we are all sucking up to our Aussie pal, in hope of immigration sponsorship…
Oger… by coincidence I just last night watched Cumberbatch read that Vonnegut letter. I love how KV poked at liberal assumptions – as I try to do – in showing that Nature can be a bitch… before returning to his own baseline liberalism.
“Good luck to anyone attempting to invade and occupy it.”

Like W. Bush stupidly tried to occupy Afghanistan? Instead of just smashing the Taliban, giving all their women new American homes and saying: “Do that again and we’ll be back!”?

But in EARTH the Helvetian war is not about ‘occupying.’ It’s about getting all the bank records.

LH I am very much impressed with what the Kwanzah folks did.

=== Next blog is (alas) highly relevant.

David Brin said...



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