
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Announcements: A terrific novella... and a TV show about "prediction"

First, great news for those waiting for some high quality Brin fiction -- (as opposed to the usual blather).

Part II of my near-future novella, "Shoresteading,"  is now available at Jim Baen's Universe Magazine.  For those who've already subscribed to this terrific online magazine, that offers great value for your dollar, (!)I hope you enjoy the stirring conclusion!

For those who have been putting off subscribing, I've wrangled - for my fans - a special discount to the most exciting, content-rich and vivid SF magazine around! Use coupon code EE329517B2.

And now, please note a program change! The History Channel has done it again. Now tune in on November 30 (9-11pm) for “The Next Nostrodamus?”... featuring some skeptical riffs by yours truly, trying to hold up a candle in the wind.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to the National Intelligence Council's "Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World" report. You can download the entire 120 page report from the website. Consider it just another type of speculative fiction. Or an interesting companion piece to Dr. Brin's Earth :-)

    Seriously, this is pretty interesting reading. Unfortunate that it is in a pdf format, which is a pain on my pc, but interesting tidbits (so far, I'm not done reading the damn thing yet) include:
    - Winners and Losers in a Post-Petroleum World
    - Projected Technological Breakthroughs split into Probable, Possible, and Plausible categories
    - Science and Technology Leadership: A Test for the Emerging Powers
    - "Presidential Diary Entry" dated 10/1/20 about an October Surprise (flooding in Manhattan). David, you sure you didn't help write this thing? Not just an intelligence estimate - this is pure SciFi writing.

    Someone(s) has an interesting sense of humor.
